Verona, Udinese and Venice: looking to the future with clear ideas

Verona, Udinese and Venice: looking to the future with clear ideas

Tuesday 28 June 2022 – 8:04 pm – Author: Staff Trivenetogoal

A few weeks have passed, but we still remember the championship finale well Serie A: 5 teams compete for the European cups, including the Champions League. Naples, Juventus, Rome, Lazio, Atalanta and Fiorentina. In the end, it was the team from Bergamo that remained dry-mouthed, but it could have been better for the three teams from Triveneto too.

If Verona can say they have had an extremely flattering championship, Udinese still has to work to return to the usual wonder. Finally, Venezia failed to avoid the last place in the standings and will have to restart from the cadet series.

Verona: the season of confirmations and news

As for the Scala team, president Setti has recently celebrated 10 years of presidency. The balance is certainly positive and the good work done last season allows us to work in peace for the future.

With this in mind, the choice of alternation in the role of coach should be painless. After greeting the departure of Igor Tudor, author of a certainly positive championship, we opted for another young technician, but with great international experience such as Gabriele Cioffi.

The last part of the season with Udinese convinced the Verona management to focus on him for the next two years. The now traditional summer meeting in Mezzano di Primiero will certainly bring some news, given that there are numerous negotiations in progress.

Another pinwheel in the sign of Marino

Udinese, on the other hand, comes from a dark and dark season that led to twelfth place which only partially satisfies the ambitions of the Juventus team. For this reason, signs of continuity and innovation came from the property of the Pozzo family and from the president Soldati.

It remains for another year Pierpaolo Marino, highly experienced sports director, able to manage without difficulty the usual big summer market movements. And we can already see the effects of Marino’s action, but obviously we are only at the beginning.

As for the coach, we have already seen that Cioffi is married in Verona, Andrea Sottil arrives in his place. This is an important return, after 4 seasons played in Udine crowned with 7 goals: not bad for a defender. In this regard it must be said that Ascoli did not really like Sottil’s quick farewell. But obviously Serie A and Udinese were a really important occasion.

New course with a really promising technician

The Venezia instead must find its new dimension after the descent in Serie B. The starting point was the discharge from Paolo Zanetti after two years, who remains in Serie A with Empoli.

In his place a coach who has done a lot of givetta, above all but is the creator of the extraordinary Serie C championship of the Fussball Club Südtirol. This is Ivan Javorčić Croatian coach that president has signed a 3-year contract with the club Duncan Niederauer.

On the market front, in addition to the obvious sale of Henry, the aim is to create a squad that is competitive, but compatible with the budgets of a team in the cadet series. Hoping that Javorčić repeats last year’s success.





