Representatives of Prague 10 removed Mayor Chmelová and Councilor Kašpar. They were said to be connected to Hlubučka | iROZHLAS
At their meeting on Monday, the representatives of Prague 10 removed Renata Chmelová and her deputy mayor David Kašpar (both Vlasta) from the position of the mayor of the city district. According to the opposition TOP 09, both had connections to former mayor’s deputy Petr Hlubuček (formerly STAN), who are being prosecuted by the police in the Dosimeter case.
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The mayor described this as substitute reasons, according to her, the comments on the prepared zoning plan are real. Chmelová is also a senator for the Prague 10 district.
In the tenth part of the city, Vlasta has ruled with the Pirates and the ODS, in the opposition is TOP 09 together with the YES movement. According to Jan Hamrník, a spokesman for Prague 10, the appeals of both politicians are supported by representatives of all clubs except Vlasta, which brings together independent representatives and members of STAN, KDU-ČSL and Desítka pro domácí. Kašpar is a member of STAN, he supports the Hop Movement until the autumn senate elections.
The Central Bohemian Region recalled road chief Lichtneger. The reason is the connection with people from the case around Hlubučka
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“None of them clearly dispel doubts about whether they are somehow connected by the current case,” said the chairman of TOP 09 in Prague 10, Radek Lojda. Now the former mayor has answered. After the dismissal of both politicians, Sedmihradská also resigned from office in a row, and according to Chmelová, the entire Vlasta coalition is passing into opposition. Opposition deputy Vladimír Novák (Mayors for Prague) subsequently proposed entire councils, which was not approved by the deputies.
On Monday, the representatives of Prague 10 will discuss the comments of the city district on the planned new zoning plan, which, according to Chmelová, is the main reason for the appeal. “The godparents are returning to Prague 10 because they do not like the fundamental comments on the Metropolitan Plan regarding the Trojmezí site,” she said, referring to the large undeveloped area on the border of Prague 10, 11 and 15, which has been extended for a long time.
According to Lojda, neither Chmelová nor Kašpar, despite the offered opportunity, explained the ties to the Prague organization STAN and Hlubučka. “Their appeal was the only way to prevent them from further damaging the good name of Prague 10,” he said. Chmelová does not plan to defend the position of mayor in the municipal elections, and Kašpar replaced her in the first place as a candidate for the Vlasta coalition.
According to the Pirates Club, the appeal was a direct reaction to the corruption case of the Prague organization of the STAN movement. “Due to the nature of their party positions, the STAN candidate for the Senate, Renata Chmelová, and the Prague vice-chairman of STAN, David Kašpar, were in close contact with the accused chairman, Petr Hlubuček. Both recalled politicians had a great influence on the management of municipal land, the distribution of city subsidies and the filling of positions in the city authorities, “said Pirates of Prague 10 at. facebook.
Prague 10 is the second largest city district in Prague after the population of Prague 4, with about 110,000 people living in it. It includes the entire cadastral territory of Vršovice and parts of Strašnice, Malešice, Záběhlice, Michle, Vinohrady, Hrdlořezů, Hloubětín and Žižkov.
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