This morning a garrison was held in front of the USR Liguria to ask for the establishment of a second first class for one of the primary school complexes of the IC Lagaccio. In fact, next year the IC Lagaccio would have a class of 23 children of which 7 with 104 certification. A delegation made up of teachers, trade unionists and the legal reference was received and discussed for about an hour with Dr. Clavarino and Dr. Ponticiello.
The proposal made is absolutely unsatisfactory: the Director of the institution is asked to meet the families involved and to inform him that there are other nearby schools where they could send their sons and daughters.
unacceptable that families already burdened by complex situations have the burden of solving a problem created by the mismanagement of public school resources and others must not move their children to preschools, among other things, of the relationships created at the primary school. childhood. The so-called school of inclusion is not only a place for didactic training, but also and above all a place where social relations should be the protagonists.
USB denounces this fact, noting that it is a real political choice by the USR which not only does not provide the resources for the formation of a second class first, but all offloads the weight of the issue to the DS and especially to families.
Faced with the opportunistic rhetoric of the school of inclusion, the permanent and continuous training of teachers to guarantee equal rights and opportunities for all, instead, the hypocrisy on the part of the USR institution that does not even recognize its responsibilities transpire!
USB thinks it is absurd that the payers are increasingly weaker and that there is no attention towards them!