Australia: Prime Minister reacts to … “cabbage-go”

Australia: Prime Minister reacts to … “cabbage-go”

The new Australian Prime Minister today referred to the “cabbage-gate”, a “scandal” that mainly concerns social networking sites and concerns the decision of the restaurant chain KFC to offer a mixed salad, partially replacing cabbage with lettuce in sandwiches and sandwiches. sandwich. other meals he sells, due to the inconspicuous increase in the price of lettuce.

For Anthony Albanese, KFC’s “crazy” decision to replace lettuce with cabbage in chicken burgers and other products has caused a national “crisis”.

In a country where inflation is estimated to reach 5.1%, lettuce prices have risen by 300% in some Australian cities, in part due to recent floods and in part due to rising global fuel prices.

The iceberg lettuce head, which cost the first 2 Australian euros (1.34 euros), is now priced at almost $ 8 (5.35 euros) in Sydney and Melbourne.

Thus, the KFC restaurant chain is not in the middle of the week that its Australian customers will henceforth have to mix salad, cabbage and lettuce into the products they sell. The announcement provoked outraged reactions from users of social networking sites.

“Cabbage is not the same thing as lettuce. “This is simply not right,” Albanese told Sydney’s KIIS FM radio station. “I will raise the issue in the cabinet today. Cabbage-gate! “

Source: ΑΠΕ



