University of Siena: three days to talk about Europe at the Certosa di Pontignano
Three days to talk about Europe. From 26 to 28 May “Vision Think Tank“, In collaboration with the University of Siena organizes the”Siena Third Conference on the Future of Europe”, At the Certosa di Pontignano.
“We started this collaboration which is now in its third edition of a conference dedicated to a reflection on the themes of European integration, the role of the geopolitical of the continent in the international context – affirms the Rector of Unisi Francesco Frati – The issues that have imperiously come to the fore cannot fail to be dealt with, I am obviously referring to the issue of common European security, to the important issue of energy supply for all European countries, especially those that do not they are able to be self-sufficient. These will be two of the four topics discussed in the working groups, alongside the theme of innovation and digital technologies “
The meetings will see the participation of forty intellectuals, journalists, historians, visionaries, policy makers which will aim to develop common solutions on current issues, from the European institutions closest to the citizens. Among these also Enrico Giovannini, Romano Prodi, Marta Dassù, Sandro Gozi, Bill Emmott, John Hooper, Maria Joao Rodrigues, Jelena Dzankic, Kalypso Nicolaidis.
This week, Europe will not be the protagonist of the University’s events, on 23 May at 3 pm in the Aula Magna of the rectorate building of the University of Siena. the award ceremony of the academic recognition of Professor and Professor Emeritus / a and Honorary / s. The awards will be given to Ferdinando Abbri, Maurizio Cotta, Antonio Federico, Giovanni Manetti, Ranuccio Nuti, Ugo Pagano, Gabriella Piccinni, Riccardo Pisillo Mazzeschi, Luigi Rizzi, Lucia Sarti and Roberto Venuti. The titles of Emeritus and Honorary Professor can be conferred to Ordinary Professors placed in retirement, who have a seniority of service in the role: greater than 20 years for the Emeritus and at least 15 years for the Honoraries and who have had management positions in the University during an academic career or having carried out teaching and scientific activities of excellence.