Lights in the shop, images to tell the historical center of Genoa – Liguria

Photographers from all over Italy to tell the life in the alleys

(ANSA) – GENOA, 12 MAY – Constructing a visual story of the historic center of Genoa through the participation of the communities that live and work there, with the production of a small archive of images that tell the life of the alleys in relation to its shops . This is the goal of “Luci in bottega”, a project by the collective photographic groups Arcipelago19 and Freaklance, with the support of Confcommercio and the Municipality of Genoa, which will have its own laboratory, the “PRÈ-Spazio”, at 129 red in Via Prè . “We have about fifteen photographers, coming from all over Italy – explained Astrid Fornetti, of Arcipelago19 Freaklance – who will be guests in Genoa for about a month and who will give life to a work on the historic center, on the alleys and on the activities of the shops, which Then a widespread exhibition in the windows of the old city. In addition to this there will be a full program of events, until 11 June, with free workshops and meetings with the photographers who have joined the project “.

“Luci in bottega”, therefore, will illuminate the windows of some shops, in an exhibition itinerary that starts from the spaces of Via Prè, and reaches the Giustiniani area. “As Confcommercio, we hope that in the next few years we can see many inhabitants in the city who will be able to reopen the commercial activities – underlines Alessandro Cavo, President of Fipe-Confcommercio Liguria – but in the meantime it is nice to rekindle the windows with activities of this type. light on is always a safeguard of safety and normality, Via Prè is a street that is reborn and this can be a good way to attract citizens and tourists “. An opportunity, therefore, to invite people to rediscover the historic center, in an innovative way, and to learn about the opportunities to set up their own business. “I am happy that the Luci in bottega headquarters is in a municipal area, near the Councilorship office in via Prè – concludes the councilor for the Historic Center, Paola Bordilli – a garrison that we strongly wanted as a meeting point between the municipal administration, residents and businesses “. (HANDLE).