Universities of Florence and Pisa, good environmental performance

Universities of Florence and Pisa, good environmental performance

According to the Times Higher Education agency, the University of Florence is among the top 200 universities in the world and fourth in Italy while the University of Pisa is not nationally.

Editorial board

What emerges from the latest ranking drawn up by the Times Higher Education agency, which assessed the commitment of over 1400 universities around the world in achieving the seventeen sustainability objectives identified by the UN (Sustainable Development Goals – SDG) on fundamental issues for the future of our planet.

The University of Florence ranks among the top 200 universities in the world and fourth in Italy for the commitment in the field of sustainable development. Compared to 2021, the Florentine University improves its ranking globally (it was among the top 300 in the ranking). Unifi’s performance in terms of goals stands out worldwide Industry, innovation and infrastructurewhere Florence passes from 63rd to 34th position, and up Responsible consumption and production, where I got an 84th place. It is also among the first universities on the objectives Good health and well-being, Climate action And Zeroing of poverty. It is also among the top 200 universities also on Decent work and economic growth, Reduction of inequalities, Collaborations by objectives. The University the best placement in Italy regarding the goal Zeroing of poverty and is in second place for Responsible consumption and production and for Climate action.

The University of Pisa, on the other hand, is among the top ten most virtuous Italian universities in the field of sustainability, ranking around the 350th position at a global level and ninth at the national level. As a result he is positioned in the top two hundred world positions in the goals of Innovation and Infrastructure, Reducing Inequalities, Life Underwater, Partnership for Goals. Compared to last year there has therefore been an improvement in all areas, due to the numerous new initiatives and coordinated by the University Sustainable Development Commission (COsA), chaired by professor Marco Raugi.

The University of Pisa is currently collaborating on a green conservation intervention in the area of Leaning Towerand in Piazza dei Miracoli. The project conceived, initiated and supported by Fondazione Territorio Italia is carried out in partnership with Green Heroes. The maintenance without pesticides was conducted in collaboration with the Opera Primaziale Pisana and the Research Center for Sports Grass Carpets (CeRTES) of the University of Pisa. The agro-engineering intervention eco-herbicideuses vegetable additives made entirely from ingredients recovered from food waste. The practical technique with the Herbeeside system is the first patented in Europe with these characteristics.

An environmentally friendly line was chosen for the management of the turf it does not require the use of pesticidesthe fertilizers used are slow-release, the use of irrigation water is optimized and electric robots and lawnmowers are gradually being introduced for cutting the grass in order to limit noise and reduce local CO2 emissions. Weeds will be eliminated with the use of water vaportherefore with a physical means totally respectful of the environment and health.

The president of the Italian Territory Foundation, Daniela Ducatohighlights the importance of the conservation and maintenance of cultural heritage, wealth for the country and a fundamental link in the chain of sustainability: “The indiscriminate use of herbicides, to limit the reproduction of the walkways and vertical and horizontal surfaces, brings dust on the ground, on the water, on the air and puts plant and animal biodiversity at risk, as well as the health of maintainers and users “. Eugenio Cavalli of Herbeeside underlines that “the Herbeeside system suitable for bees was born in 2016 to satisfy above all the forte request of organic companies or in the process of conversion to organic. This was accompanied by the demand from municipalities for the healthy and sustainable management of public parks “.



