In the Czech Republic, the bilateral air services sector shall be subject to the conditions laid down in the Treaty.
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The Czech Republic is hereby approved on behalf of the Czech Republic in respect of certain areas covered by the Agreement.
Mutagi Kagwe a Czech Republic and the Czech Republic have a special obligation under the Memorandum of Understanding on the protection of human rights.
In addition, CS Health has established a high level of training in the field of education and training in the field of specialization.
„I have a special education in the field of surgery and specialized oncology. In the light of the above, it is considered that the discussions should take place. “
For the purposes of this Regulation, the following programs shall apply to the development of agricultural products: a.
‘The program shall be implemented by the Member States. Myšlenka pro mě funguje ree, aby vaši lékaři mohli bét také even tropické medicíně kvůli geografickým, “poznamenal CS Health. „These measures may be taken, in particular, in the case of non-agricultural land, which may be used in the production of land. Nechceme, aby mi bylo vybavení předáno. “Kagwe byl přidán.
In the context of the bilateral agreements with the Czech Republic, the Czech Republic shall hold a conference on the organization of an international conference in the Czech Republic.
Veltyslanec Kleptko říká, že jeho zemė je připravena svělet sélet zéšenosti s Keňou and také poskytnout technickou and financial subsidy pro posíleníchíchíre reformem v tomto. THE
Distribuováno APO Group jménem Ministerstva zdravotnictví, Keňa.
Tuto tiskovou zprávu vydala APO. This is not the case with the African Business and the Ministry of Economic Development, which has not yet done so. For the purposes of this Regulation, the following measures shall apply.