As a rule, Prague does not fine Ukrainian cars for parking. He has no way to find out their owner Transport News Pražská Drbna
The Prague City Council is postponing cases of cars with Ukrainian license plates illegally parked in the blue zones, because Ukraine is not in the EU and there is no possibility to find out their owners from the European database. City spokesman Vít Hofman said. The city has set aside a P + R car park in Černý Most to park the cars of Ukrainian refugees, they can also apply for a parking permit at their place of residence.
Foreign license plates are handled by the municipality, otherwise they are responsible for fines in the city district
The parking zones in the metropolis are guarded mainly by monitoring cars with the help of cameras, which take license plates and compare them with the register of issued parking permits. If the parked vehicle is not in the database, the case is headed for misdemeanor proceedings. Foreign license plates are handled by the municipality, otherwise they are responsible for fines in the city district.
“If the driver of the vehicle is not detected and identified on the spot in the case of refugee vehicles from Ukraine, this matter will most likely be postponed. Thanks to a European directive, the Czech Republic can look into the ‘vehicle registers’ of other Member States, but this is not the case with registered vehicles in Ukraine. “ Hofman said.
City police spokeswoman Irena Seifert said that on-site police officers proceed in a similar way on the spot, ie either by agreement, transfer to misdemeanor proceedings or a fine on the spot. “There are no exceptions to the law,” she said.
Ukrainians who arrived in Prague by car can park for free in the P + R car park in Černý Most by decision of the municipality
Some city districts register complaints from residents about the parking of Ukrainian cars in the blue zones. “I can confirm that we are being approached by citizens who mostly only point out incorrectly parked Ukrainian cars,” said a spokesman for Prague 10 Jan Hamrník. He added that he was handing over the town hall’s suggestions to the city police.
Ukrainians who arrived in Prague by car can park for free in the P + R car park on Černý Most by the decision of the municipality. In Prague 3, the town hall also set aside places in U Nákladníového nádraží Street, and in Prague 7, Ukrainians can leave their cars in the parking lot in front of the Exhibition Grounds.
At the same time, Ukrainian refugees can apply for a parking permit at their place of residence on the basis of a visa. So far, the spokespersons of individual town halls are units or dozens. For example, in Prague 6, according to City Hall spokesman Jiří Hannich, there are 10 to 15 cases so far, as in Prague 10. In Prague 1, 14 drivers applied for a parking card, according to spokesman Petr Bidl. Prague 3 spokesman Pavel Trojan said that these were the top 50 cases, but that the town hall’s visa applications were not registered separately, so this was a guess.