Municipal: Conti opens laboratory in Pisa, towards the center and civic – Tuscany

Convention beyond the parties, collects yes from disappointed center-left

(ANSA) – PISA, MAR 26 – The mayor of Pisa Michele Conti, elected with the center-right, today opened his political “laboratory” in view of the administrative offices of 2023, looking at the center and at civicism, well beyond the parties that have it supported so far. “I need everyone to continue the work – he said in front of over 100 people – starting today a process of discussion and listening to share ideas in the interest of the city”. Conti looks above all to the moderate electorate disappointed by the center-left but still not entirely convinced of the center-right with Northern League traction.

The mayor, on the day in which the cultural container that will give life to the civic list that will support him in the elections is baptized, hosts the opinions of the Pisan civil society and collects the yes of personalities so far far from his world: the former surgeon Paolo Miccoli, of liberal training and former president of Anvur, the national university and research evaluation agency, and the vice-president of young Pisan lawyers, Edoardo Cerri, who defines himself as “always close to the political ideas of the center-left” but who today it is “here for what Conti has shown us in recent years”. In the room also former M5s exponents, a former dem councilor and other faces close to the center-left who ruled the city uninterruptedly for over 30 years until 2018. “They told us – concludes Conti – that we were barbarians and that the reputation of the city was compromised: instead, according to Il Sole 24 Ore, we obtained 32 positions in the quality of life degree “. “We have shown in recent years that the city government is primarily in the hands of the people even before the political formulas”, Michele Conti also said at the convention with which he launched the path that will end with the birth of a civic list in support of his reappointment as mayor together with the center-right parties. “Our task in recent years has never been to look for easy trampolines for political careers – he concluded – but to put Pisa at the center of our commitment”.