Radiotherapy 4.0: revolution in Naples – Campania

Aktis Center, with Halcyon and Truebeam cancer treatment becomes lightning

(ANSA) – NAPLES, MARCH 23 – After the low-emission CT scan for security checks in the long Covid, the most technologically advanced 3 tesla magnetic resonance in the panorama of diagnostic imaging now arrives in Naples, at the Aktis center of Marano a very advanced radiotherapy module that consists of 3 state-of-the-art equipment.
The first instrument is called Varian Halcyon which guarantees unprecedented quality and speed to perform surgical and personalized radiotherapy treatments with very fast delivery times. In Italy there are only two other devices of this type and they are all installed in the center north. “Machinery – warns the health management of the Neapolitan center – which is faster than guaranteeing performance 2 times faster than standard treatments, thus guaranteeing a significant reduction in waiting lists”.
Then there is Varian TrueBeam, an advanced platform for the radiotherapy treatment of cancer patients with sub-millimeter precision. The robotized positioning of the patient and synchronized with seconds and heartbeat allows very high targeted doses and in a few in fewer sessions less discomfort for the patient.
Patient safety, treatment precision and movement monitoring with monitoring systems on three cameras for 3D reconstructions are finally equipped with identification, an innovative advanced and truly surgical brain radiotherapy system with ultramillimetric precision more effective and complex than those up to now. obtainable. Thanks to the innovative radiosurgery system “Hyper, the new accelerator can be used simultaneously with a few more multiple brain metastases in a single session of minutes minutes, hitting only the diseased parts of the brain while preserving the healthy ones, affecting the patient’s survival and the quality of life of the same. “For patients – concludes Salvatore Tecam, director – there is an enormous advantage in terms of comfort of performance, in terms of speed and health effectiveness itself. Patients can be treated in an absolutely comfortable and rapid way, obtaining results. in terms of effectiveness, they are enormously more advantageous than previous equipment “. (ANSA).