Processes – Berlin – Murdered Afghan: Witness in the trial of brothers – Panorama
Processes – Berlin:Murdered Afghan woman: witness in the trial of brothers
Directly from the dpa news channel
Berlin (dpa / bb) – The trial of the violent death of a 34-year-old mother from Afghanistan continues on Friday (9.15 a.m.) in the Berlin district court. The witness questioning of a friend of the victim is to be. Two brothers of the 34-year-olds are accused. They are said to have murdered their sister because they did not submit to the family’s moral standards.
The 26 and 23-year-old men are said to have killed their sister on July 13, 2021, then brought her body in a suitcase from Berlin to Bavaria and buried it there. At the beginning of the trial, the brothers were silent. The case made headlines and triggered a debate about the term “honor killing” and the failed integration of refugees. The woman and the brothers came to Germany from Afghanistan a few years ago. She had divorced her Afghan husband. The victim had two children, aged 10 and 14, who are now involved in the trial as joint plaintiffs.
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