Prayer to San Marino for the pass
After invoking the protection of San Marino during the coronavirus epidemic, once again the Adorer nuns of the city now invoke our Holy Patron, to invoke the precious and inestimable gift of peace, inspired by the values of freedom and faith transmitted by the Founder of our Republic. with this prayer, the Adorers intend to ask for God’s help to stop hatred and revenge among peoples, so that those who govern promote justice and peaceful human coexistence. The prayer they offer to everyone has recently obtained the ecclesiastical approval of his Excellency, Msgr. Turazzi, and is available at the convent of San Francesco.
O glorious son of Dalmatia,
we glory in your heart
inspirer of rhythm, of faith
and defender of freedom.
O Saint Marino, free us from anger
and from the violence of tyrants.
O Saint Marino, turn away
from your beloved Republic and
from the world the darkness of error
that cloud the minds
and oppress humanity.
O Saint Marino,
direct the will of the rulers
towards peace and justice.
O Saint Marino, take away from hearts
of the leaders of the nations
every root of hatred and revenge,
because, with your help,
are instruments of prosperity,
of freedom and promote
the true good of peoples.
O Saint Marino,
instill faith in men
and in good women
will and ask God for mercy
for the victims of war.
I ask you
for Christ our Lord. Amen.