Helsinki traffic map renames Russian Embassy “Volodymyr Zelenskyy Park” | News
OpenStreetMap is the source of HSL’s map data and can be edited by anyone.
The map of the route planner used by the Helsinki Region Transport (HSL) has been obtained from the ‘Volodymyr Zelenskyy Park’ at the address where the Russian Embassy is normally located.
Users looking for their tram stop could see buildings related to the Russian embassy at Tehtaankatu 1 on Thursday, which was renamed in honor of the President of Ukraine. Volodomyr Zelensky.
HSL removes “inappropriate editing”
HSL uses the publicly updated Open Street Maps, which is an open collaboration to create different types of maps in the same way that Wikipedia allows anyone to edit.
“Open Street Map is widely used and all kinds of editors are part of it,” he said Markku HuotariHSL location data specialist.
The map was edited on March 2nd. HSL announced that it would apply for an older version of the map and remove the Zelensky-inspired edit.
“We’ve been using Open Street Maps for five years, and this is the first time such inappropriate editing has gotten into our product,” Huotari said.
HSL remains committed to using Open Street maps.
“It can be quite safe, quick feedback is possible,” Huotari said.
Open Street Maps is also used by e.g. Facebook and Microsoft.