fundraising for Ukrainian refugees
The Secretariat of State for Foreign Affairs informs that at the moment San Marino has welcomed about 150 Ukrainian citizens who have fled the armed conflict into its territory. In also informing that the figure is constantly increasing, it is specified that there are no unaccompanied minors in the territory. The Coordination Unit set up at the Foreign Affairs Department announces this data, in close connection with the Gendarmerie Corps, the Civil Protection, the Social Security Institute and the actors involved in the reception project. In this extraordinary phase, also due to the ability to better manage a humanitarian emergency of this size, it is of fundamental importance to solicit individual citizens and residents of the Republic, public and private entities, an open fundraiser at Cassa di Risparmio at the following coordinates:
Name: “Ukrainian War – Refugee Reception” IBAN code SM72D0606709800000120161869
For donations from abroad: SWIFT code: CSSMSMSMXXX
The fundraising will support the reception and management costs of the number of refugees present in the area who, at the moment, are staying in some public facilities and with families residing in the area and who have opened their homes, animated by a commendable spirit of solidarity. In view of the growing needs in terms of food, accommodation and sustenance, the aforementioned fundraiser will be dedicated to enabling a sustainable stay in the Republic. Donations made to refugees are deductible, without maximum, from the tax return. For those who have to go to the structure of the Casa San Michele managed by Caritas, for the supply of food and basic necessities as well as to make donations of these goods, we inform you that it will be possible every week on Tuesday morning (9.00-11.00) and Thursday afternoon (14.30-17.00). If necessary, it is possible to contact prof. Giovanni Ceccoli at number 335 7344556. In order to ensure the most respectful and dignified livelihood possible for Ukrainian citizens, mainly represented by women and children, we remind you that in the next few days the number of applicants for reception will be limited, as the public structures are already almost complete and due to the concrete impossibility of managing a higher flow. In this regard, duly reported family reunification will be privileged.
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