For the first time in Greece, triplets were born who shared the same placenta!
The birth of triplets in Thessaloniki is extremely rare for the world medical data.
According to gynecologist, Nikos Papanikolaou, who spoke on ERT3’s show Perimeter, these are triplets of girls who come from the same placenta, monozygotic, a phenomenon very rare in the medical literature. The triplets even resulted from automatic arrest.
in Greek bibliography no such births are reported, while worldwide, only 40-50 such cases.
The couple who got the baby triplets, who are in good health, had no history of having twins or triplets in the family.
As Mr. Papanikolaou stressed, a pregnancy carries many such risks, because, as the embryos feed on the same placenta, there is a case of three not developing properly and entraining the other two. In fact, as the gynecologist pointed out, usually such pregnancies never develop almost smoothly and are not in good condition.
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