Prague Zoo: Founded a collection, everyone can contribute by buying a charity ticket
“We will then buy the necessary feed from the money raised, material and technology for the Ukrainian zoo. We sent the first aid transport on Monday and another one will follow soon, “said Miroslav Bobek, the director of the zoo in the Czech capital.
People can buy charity tickets for 100 crowns, 500 crowns, 1000 crowns or 2000 crowns on the zoo’s website. As a thank you for the purchase, the buyer will receive a banner with a picture of a lion. He is to recall the courage with which the Ukrainians are fighting the Russian superiority, as stated on the project’s website. For example, people can display a banner on social networks to help spread awareness of the collection, the zoo added.
For support The proceeds from the benefit inspections of selected exhibitions with breeders also go to breeding facilities in Ukraine. Those interested will be able to see, for example, the exhibition Darwin’s Crater, Reed’s Pavilion or the Valley of the Elephants. The tours, the first of which will take place on Friday, will last about an hour and one tour will be attended by a maximum of ten people.. Tickets cost 1000 crowns and are available on the garden website.
Those interested can also contribute any amount to the collection entitled “We help them survive”, whose sub-account is intended to support Ukrainian zoos. The collection has the account number 43-6804660247 / 0100 and the message for the recipient must include “Ukraine”.
According to Bobek, the public collection “We help them survive”, which is supported by all member organizations of UCSZOO, has so far been sent aid to Ukrainian animal breeders from the Czech Republic for 165,000 crowns in the form of feed and other veterinary supplies.