Lisbon Chamber approves vote to repudiate Russian military aggressionP with votes against Ukraine – War in Ukraine
The Russian Defense City Council, with Wednesday’s votes, a vote by Russia against Russia and an end to Russian interventions in Ukrainian territory.
Signed by the entire municipal executive of Lisbon, with the two councilors of the PCP, the approved vote “strongly condemns the Russian Federation’s military aggression against Ukraine and demands an immediate end to the destruction actions underway by the Moscow destruction regime.” “.
Appreciated in private by Câmara, the vote of repudiation states that “Russian military aggression is totally illegal and Russian law, contrary to all the principles and values on which peace in Europe has been based for decades and violates the rules of the international and sovereignty national”.
No document condemns the role of active collaboration also played by the biologist regime in the warmongering operations that have already caused thousands of deaths and injuries and more than a million refugees.
In addition to expressing “its strongest repudiation for the infamous attacks that include civilian targets and populations in defenses”, which so indicate the practice of war crimes and crimes against humanity, with “the unacceptable attitudes of Vladimir Putin”, the Lisbon Chamber “They confuse the Russian people, who are also victims of an oppressive regime that despise the most elementary non-democratic values”, reads the vote.
“Military authorization for the invasion of Ukraine by Ukraine from Russia is assumed “without reservation”, as it constitutes “a military association of Ukraine, at the request of International Law”, ceasing to the Constitution of the Republic of Russia, with appeal, with immediately, the occupation of Ukrainian territory and, consequently, put an end to military interventions”.
The vote of repudiation also pays tribute and expresses all solidarity with the Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian community living in Portugal.
The document will be sent to the embassies of the Republic of Ukraine, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, as well as the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Portuguese Council for Refugees (CPR).
Within the scope of the defense peace meeting, with everyone disapproving for the similarity of the confrontation in Europe, it was the end of the war in Ukraine and the defense peace, having all disapproved similarly to what happened on Tuesday with the vote presented by the communist deputies at the Lisbon Municipal Assembly.
The communists’ motion that the municipal executive condemn “a whole path of interference, violence and, the 2014 coup d’état, promoted in Ukraine, the recent Russian military intervention in Ukraine and the intensification of the bellicose escalation of the USA, NATO and of the European Union”, point that had the votes against PSD, CDS-PP, PS and Livre, the abstention of BE and independent of the political movement Citizens for Lisbon (elected by the PS/Livre coalition) and only with the vote in favor of making PCP .
The initiative was rejected with votes against by PSD, CDS-PP and PS, abstention from Livre and votes in favor of PCP, BE and independent from Cidadãos por Lisboa.
Unanimously, the Lisbon City Council, through the municipal creation program of a military proposal in the proposal for the approval of the emergency “VSI T. , health, mobility and culture in conjunction with the Government’s action at the national level, so that all those who intend to remain in the Portuguese capital.
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Russia released the dawn of February 24, already a military authorities in Ukraine, which, according to military police, did more than February 2.
The attacks also affect the flight of more than 1.7 million people to neighboring countries, according to the UN.
The Russian Invasion was condemned by the generality of the international community which responded with the sending of Ukraine and the judgment of Economic Armament by Mosco.