Genova Metropolitan City Competitions, 26 permanent profiles
In the Official Gazette n.17 of March 4, 2022 the extracts of the three notices of the Contests Metropolitan City Genoa, for exams, aimed at filling 26 positions of various professional profiles, both for graduates and graduates, distributed as follows:
- 12 administration area officials in category D full-time and permanent, technical managerial skills – project management;
- 8 technical area officials, category D, full-time and permanent skills in engineering and architecture services;
- 6 collaborators in the technical area in category C full-time and permanent, professional skills of surveyor.
Public competitions 2022: the latest news
In the next few days, all the information relating to the requisites required, the procedures for sending the application form and the exams required by the three public selections.
Genoa Metropolitan City Competitions: requirements
To have access to the selection procedures announced by the Metropolitan City of Genoa, aspiring candidates must meet the following requirements at the deadline date of the call:
- be an Italian citizen or a citizen of one of the member states of the European Union;
- be no less than 18 years of age and no more than that provided for by the regulations in force for retirement;
- have the enjoyment of civil and political rights and not be excluded from the political electorate in the country of origin;
- have not been convicted of crimes which, pursuant to current legislation, entail
perpetual or temporary disqualification from public offices and which prevent the establishment of the employment relationship with the public administration, and from not being in situations of prohibition to contract with the public administration, also deriving from the application of preventive measures; - have no criminal proceedings in progress which may lead to suspension and / or termination of the employment relationship;
- be suitable for the specific tasks typical of the professional profile to be covered;
- for male applicants born up to 1985, to be in a regular position with regard to the obligations imposed by the law on military recruitment;
- not having been destined for employment in a public administration or declared forfeited or dispensed from employment due to persistent insufficient performance.
Furthermore, aspiring candidates are required to possess the qualifications listed below, depending on the professional profile for which they are competing.
- Master’s degree (LM) belonging to the class: LM-4 Architecture and building engineering-architecture; LM-23 Civil engineering; LM-24 Building systems engineering or corresponding specialist degree or university degree, according to the equivalence referred to in the Decree of the Ministry of Education, University and Research of 9 July.
- qualification to practice the profession;
- driving license B or higher.
- First level degree (L) or corresponding three-year degree;
- Master’s degree (LM) or corresponding specialist degree or university degree.
- Technical Diploma in Construction, Environment, Territory (CAT) – new system / Diploma of Surveyor or Industrial Expert in construction – previous system; Absorbing degree qualification or degrees whose study paths include, with a higher level, the subjects of the diplomas as identified above (architecture and civil / construction engineering).
- Driving license B or higher.
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Genoa Metropolitan City Competitions: how to register
Applications for admission to the procedure must be drawn up and submitted exclusively electronically by 12 noon on the day April 4, 2022 by connecting to the following web page by clicking on the button Public competitions.
Furthermore, in order to participate in the competition, it is necessary to pay 10 euros by the deadline date of the announcement, under penalty of exclusion.
Candidates are reminded that to register, they must be in possession of the SPID digital identity and an email address (not PEC).
Genova Metropolitan City Competitions: exams
In the case of candidates exceeding 150 units, the exams may be preceded by a pre-selection, which can also be carried out remotely according to indications that will be published on the administration website.
L’possible preselection it will consist of a multiple choice questionnaire aimed at ascertaining the aptitudes and abilities to fill the role and the requests.
The exams will consist of:
- written test: will be aimed at ascertaining the possession of the skills of the
sought-after professionalism, verifying the ability to solve problems and ability to work, and may consist in the elaboration of projects of a project, in the formation of schemes of administrative acts or in the solution of one or more questions; - oral exam: will focus on the deepening of the same knowledge and skills.
During the oral exam, the candidate’s request, interpersonal skills and personal aptitudes may be interviewed by a qualified expert.
During the oral exam it will also be ascertained:
– knowledge of the English language; this assessment can be made through an interview and / or reading and translation of a written text provided by the commission.
– basic digital skills, with particular reference to the ability to use
office automation packages, word processing, spreadsheet processing, e-mail, internet and knowledge of the concepts of certified e-mail, SPID, and digital signature.
Genoa Metropolitan City Competitions: preparation
To prepare for insolvency procedures for the profiles of category D (administrative and technical officials) intended for the study of the following manual:
Competition Instructor executive and officer Administrative area Cat. D in local authorities
Theory and Test for all tests
Luigi Tramontano, Maggioli Publisher
The volume sets out in a clear, exhaustive and in-depth manner all the useful topics for the preparation of candidates for the selection tests of the competitions for executive instructor and officer (cat. D) of the administrative area in local authorities.