Anniversary at the University of Innsbruck: 1000th doctoral scholarship awarded
The 1000th doctoral scholarship from the University of Innsbruck goes to Elisabeth Waldhart. Vice Rector Ulrike Tanzer (left) presented the certificate.
© University of Innsbruck
Innsbruck – The 1000th doctoral scholarship from the University of Innsbruck goes to Elisabeth Waldhart from Innsbruck. She graduated from the HTL Bau und Kunst in Innsbruck and then studied archeology and ethnology at the University of Innsbruck. In her dissertation, she is now concerned with the use, reception and staging of archaeological ground monuments in the 20th and 21st centuries. Waldhart examines, among other things, traces that people have left in such places in order to gain knowledge about everyday life and the use of these social nodes and to describe the influence of monuments on people.
The promotion of young scientists is a central concern of the University of Innsbruck. For this reason, a program to promote young talent was set up in 2005, through which qualified doctoral students can receive financial support. The scholarship is currently 910 euros and is granted for 12 months. It should also enable doctoral students to acquire independent projects and thus further funding for their research.
Since 2018, there have also been excellence grants for doctoral colleges, with which students who are dying are involved in the research of a doctoral college and are supported for a total of 24 months. (TT)