Leonardo is the first born in 2022
The baby was born at 3.40. The last born of 2021 is also a boy: his name is Matteo and the parents live in Santa Maria a Monte
PISA – Exactly 3 hours and 40 minutes after the stroke of midnight, he came into the world Leonardo, the first child born in Pisa in 2022. A double party for the new parents Elisabeth and Pierfranco.
The little one weighs 3,475 kilograms. During the birth, the new mother was assisted by the midwife Elisabetta Donati, by doctor Letizia Fornari, the specialists Federica Arini and Chiara Maggirano, the anesthetist Anio Paperini, the neonatologist Laura Guerrini, the obstetrics student Morganti and the osseous Monica Marmugi .
13 hours before the start of the new year, at 11.05 am on December 31st he came into the world Matteo, the last child born in the city in 2021. Matteo weighs 3,160 kilograms. In the delivery room, the mother was assisted by the midwife Grazia Matteoni and the team formed by Dr. Stefano Basile, the specialist Francesca Massimello and the anesthetist Francesca Piccini. Matteo’s parents, Caterina and Leonardo, reside in Santa Maria a Monte.
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