Future forecasts: what will the economy do in 2022?
Between confidence and skepticism: six Salzburg managers look into the new year – and reveal their good resolutions.
“Most of all we need employees”
What will the Salzburger Spar Group, with almost 50,000 employees, be demanding the most in the coming year? “We currently have over 1000 positions to be filled across all areas, from our award-winning PR department in our logistics to the delicatessen departments in the open to the open, says Spar CEO Fritz Poppmeier. The greatest challenge for Spar will be …
Accessed on December 29, 2021 at 4:07 am on https://www.sn.at/salzburg/wirtschaft/zukunfsprognosen-was-kom-im-jahr-2022-auf-die-wirtschaft-zu-114661909