“Let’s name the street after the dead workers” – Corriere.it
The proposal: “In this way we will keep their memory alive with the hope that there will be no more deaths of this kind at work”
The clearing operations of the stretch of via Genova are almost completed where, on Saturday 18 December, the collapse of a crane cost the lives of three workers. After the removal of all the parts of the cranes and mobile cranes, only the last rubble is missing. “We did our best – explained Federico Passeri, deputy director of the fire brigade command – since we started, last December 23, we did not stop for a moment to try to finish the work as soon as possible and return the road to citizenship. By now almost all the parties to the investigation are in the judicial deposit ».
In fact, all the interventions were carried out in accordance with the prosecutor’s office, given that later it will be necessary to subject the material to analysis to trace the causes and any responsibilities of the accident. The road will not be open to traffic until there is a passage for pedestrians on both sides of the street and a lane. Sign strips have been placed next to the sidewalks to guide the flow, with the addition of some grids in the points considered most sensitive.
Satisfied the residents, who can return home through the main doors, and also the shopkeepers, who have been able to raise the shutters. «Obviously few people pass – says one of the owners – but we are happy with the timeliness of the interventions. For us, the real recovery when a normal condition is restored in the street can meanwhile be able to access older customers who rely on the shops under their homes. All the others, however, apart from the curious, avoid going through here ».
But if apparently the signs of the tragedy have almost all disappeared, the same is not true for the more psychological and social side: “If you go to any street in Turin and then come back here you will immediately notice the difference – says Andrea Mele, one of the tenants of Via Genova – who was present on the day of the tragedy will remember those moments for a long time, a brush stroke is not enough. With the other residents we are thinking of proposing to the Municipality to rename the street in favor of the three missing workers. In this way we will keep their memory alive with the hope that in Turin, but in Italy in general, there will be no more deaths of this kind at work ».
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December 27, 2021 (change December 27, 2021 | 22:27)