Endocrinologist at the National Health Fund in Warsaw. Data current as of December 27, 2021. Check
Usually, you have to wait a long time for an appointment with a specialist. How long does it take to see an Endocrinologist in Warsaw? Check the list to find out where the shortest waiting time for a visit to a doctor in Warsaw is. Do not wait for the visit to the Endocrinologist longer than necessary.
Queues for the National Health Fund to the Endocrinologist in Warsaw – as of December 27, 2021
ATTENTION! Information on the first possible implementation period and the inflow of data ensuring the end of the reporting period in the period of crisis and epidemic *
ENDOCRINOLOGIST Warsaw: NHF queue and end of treatment
You have to wait for the visit 69 days.
University Health Center of Women and Newborns of the Medical University of Warsaw, Ltd.
- Address: Pl. Sokratesa Starynkiewicza 1/3, Warsaw
- Family possible visit: March 7, 2022 (data as of December 23, 2021)
- Number of people in line: 11
- Phone: +48 22 583 03 60
University Health Center of Women and Newborns of the Medical University of Warsaw, LLC (Andrology Clinic)
- Address: Pl. Sokratesa Starynkiewicza 1/3, Warsaw
- Family possible visit: 06/06/2022 (data as of December 23, 2021)
- Number of people in the queue: 5
- Phone: +48 22 583 03 60