Covid: buffer chaos in the province of Venice, inconvenience to traffic – Veneto

‘Drive through’ of Mestre and Noale taken by storm

(ANSA) – VENICE, 27 DEC – The assault on tampons is back in the province of Venice. On 24 December 11,620 tests were delivered by Ulss 3 Serenissima to the population, followed by two days of ‘calm’ with Christmas and Boxing Day which saw a total of 2,776 and 3,785 respectively. Already from today morning, however, the pressure has returned to be felt, with ten and ten cars queuing at the drive throughs in Noale and Mestre.

In particular in the city of the Tempestas, the hospital parking lot was not sufficient to contain the vehicles in single file, which had to occupy the right edge of the regional road 515, which connects Padua to Treviso, with inevitable traffic problems. The intervention of local police officers was necessary on the spot, who, supported by civil protection volunteers, managed the queued cars and the regular flow of vehicles.

To alleviate the situation, the health company has opened the ‘drive in’ of Oriago, literally stormed, with many unbooked accesses. “With such a disordered and partly unjustified request – explain from the management of Ulss 3 – the expectations and inconveniences for users are unfortunately inevitable.

The company is therefore sorry for the inconvenience of users, and in particular for the inconvenience suffered by those who had correctly booked; thanks the staff who continue to handle the workload even in these days of the Christmas holidays “. (ANSA).