Campus Dejvice: People would like more benches, restaurants or bistros
At present, the public space of the campus with its immediate surroundings is generally poorly maintained. The campus lacks an overall concept and the modifications of the public space have so far been dealt with only in part. Therefore, in 2019, the city established the Institute of Planning and Development of the capital. m of Prague (IPR) task to create an overall the concept of how the public space of the campus should change. After an open tender, the MCA architectural studio led by Pavla Melková and Miroslav Cikán won.
Because public spaces in the metropolis only co-create the places that Praguers use, but also their active presence, IPR and the architectural studio have decided to participate in public debates. It was discussed what was missing on campus and what could be done here. The questionnaire survey was conducted online only and around 5,500 responses were collected.
There was agreement among the participants regarding greenery, open space and no traffic. The population the most the untapped potential of individual spaces, few seats, lack of services and facilities, and poor conditions for cyclists and pedestrians. Participants in the questionnaire would like to spend time outside, studying and playing sports in the future.
Transformation of public space
After the evaluation, a draft Concept was created. “This is the result of a survey of responses to the questionnaire, which were grouped, examined and then conclusions were drawn,” says Martin Svoboda, director of the National Technical Library. However, it does not cover all the proposals in detail and the proposed solutions may still change.
The concept will be followed by other project documentation, which will gradually focus on selected parts of the area and develop them in greater detail. Those interested can also comment on the concept through a questionnaire until October 9.
Main goals
The concept design came up with several goals as part of its solution. “They were created by adding up the needs that resonated in the work. The campus is a place where everyday life and science come together, “ states the architect. Other ideological goals include uniting students on campus, consolidating identity and opening campus to everyone in the city. The design of public spaces should educate passers-by. However, the final appearance of the campus will only be formed during the work on the document.
For example, the concept seeks out and creates opportunities for the placement of services that are in demand on campus. These are mainly snacks, restaurants and a small grocery store. The services will be placed in existing buildings, small objects will be delivered and spaces for mobile objects will be reserved. They should place educational presentation platforms in front of individual institutions.
Traffic is calming down and spaces are adapting to climate change. Lawns, trees will grow here and water should play a big role. Both channels and artistically created infiltration objects could be created. “If we design user water on campus, we become a collector for rainwater,” adds Pavla Melková.
Dejvice campus Youtube: IPR Prague
Possible appearance of the Dejvice Campus
Author: IPR: Concept of public space revitalization – text part