less than three thousand cases in Emilia-Romagna, who died 56 years old in Rimini
I am 2,921, the new cases of COVID-19 in Emilia-Romagna, compared to the lowest number of tampons performed on holidays: 15,166. In the region there are then another 21 deaths, from 56 to 95 years, while the number of people hospitalized in intensive care is always 107 and those are growing in the other Covid wards, 1,187 (+45). Of the newly infected, 1,128 are asymptomatic, 568 were registered in the province of Bologna (+62 in the Imola area), 513 in the Modena area. The healed are 905 more than yesterday, the active cases are 54,822 (+1,995), 97.6% in isolation at home with mild or no symptoms.
A Rimini you count 310 new cases and three deaths, a 56-year-old woman and two men aged 77 and 87. The councilor for health policies, Kristian Gianfreda, visit the hospital and look at the weeks carefully, given the spread of the Omicron variant. “The situation is under control” at the hospital level, he says, “thanks largely to the vaccination“. 80% of those hospitalized in intensive care, adds Gianfreda, are not vaccinated. 3,288 vaccinations carried out in the Ausl Romagna hubs, in third third doses. 517 administrations made in Rimini.
From tomorrow in the Region it will be possible to book third doses for the age group 16-17 years e for me fragile between 12 and 15 years. The administrations will start on Tuesday 28. On the vaccine front, the Italian health institutions also explain that afterwards 5 months from the completion of the cycle the effectiveness in preventing the disease, both symptomatic and asymptomatic, drops to 30.1%. But it remains high – at 82.2% – in preventing severe forms.