with these pretty packaging, guaranteed effect under the tree!
No more sloppy gift packages. This year, you have decided to pay as much attention to the content as to the container. And on social networks, there is no shortage of inspirations for making pretty packaging! Here are a few for a guaranteed surprise.
Gift wrapping revisited
You love classic gift wrapping paper and every year you strive to select the most beautiful rolls correctly. However, would you like to change the way you wrap and use less scotch tape for an even more aesthetic look? On Instagram, this Turkish account offers an idea of paper answered in overlay. A method that only requires two small pieces of duct tape, and which offers a big effect to any rectangular-shaped gift.
The Furoshiki method
This method, straight from Japan, offers to make pretty gift wrapping while being eco-friendly. Get yourself some nice scraps of fabric or old scarves – ready to be donated or sold – and use them as paper! For a successful package, it’s very simple: lay out your fabric on a flat surface, position your gift in the middle, then fold the corners of the fabric to make a nice knot on top. For even more effect, slip a few dried flowers or a sprig of holly at the end.
The customized package
If you want to add a little attention to those you love, do not hesitate to make personalized packages! Once your gift is wrapped (using the method of your choice), add on top of a photo with the recipient of the gift, petals of his favorite flower or a little personalized note. Another idea to differentiate the packages, write the name of each person with letter beads. Slip them one by one on a thread that you will then wrap around the gift, as a bolduc! Pretty and reusable.
> Also to discover: Running out of Christmas balls? Here is a trick to make it with fabric