the opening of the new structure for the first reception of asylum seekers is not unanimous
The association of Montpellier, Adelphité by CVH won the management of the Structure of the first reception of asylum seekers (Spada) of Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) and Montauban (Tarn-et-Garonne). An arrival that questions the social worker sector.
Monday January 3, the Structure of the first reception of asylum seekers (Spada) de Toulouse will leave rue des Herbettes, Rangueil, to open its doors in new premises, rue Théron de Montaugé, near the metro Balma-Gramont.
This move is not simply a change of address for this structure responsible for offering a domiciliation and helping to support refugees for their requests to theOFPRA (Office English Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons) or for the opening of their social rights.
Its management and that of the three other structures in Occitania (Montauban, Montpellier and Perpignan) until then delegates to the association Forum Rrefugees – Cosi, have just been awarded to the Montpellier association, Adelphite through CVH, as part of a new public tender contract.
“We are taking over the Toulouse Spada from January 1st”, confirms Valérie Rasera fromAdelphite through CVH. “We take care of all the beneficiaries of the first reception efficiently on Monday January 3 in new premises, located in the Toulouse-Balma area, with a metro nearby.“ Between 6 and 9 employees should work there, if we refer to a Pôle emploi announcement to recruit the future head of the social center.
This change, revealed by the Toulouse photographer Ben Art Heart on the Mediapart blogging site, raises many questions in the social sector and aid to asylum seekers.
A mistrust expressed by the Cedis 31 on his account Twitter : “Forum Réfugiés did not have enough resources but the employees were very mobilized. The new operator provides few guarantees on the quality of reception and support. The state seems to have once again chosen the cheapest and CVH is a commercial enterprise! “
Others evoke a way for the State to exclude an association that helps these refugees too much in matters of litigation, in a period where the number of asylum seekers has “reached new records between August and December, especially in Toulouse.“
On the side of Refugee Forum-Cosi, it is the expectation in particular for the professional future of the employees of the association having work for the Spada.
“We offered to take back some of them”, advance Adelphite through CVH through the voice of Valérie Rasera. “But Forum Réfugiés-Cosi did not want it.”
When contacted, the association’s management did not respond to France 3 Occitanie’s request for an interview when this article was published.