Covid tests: In Prague, there are free dates after the holidays
At the collection point of the Royal Vinohrady University Hospital (FNKV) today, the last candidates were tested by the staff of the medical facility at 11:00 am. The collection point in Šrobárova Street will open again for four hours on Sunday. The dates offered for Štěpán were about half full as of today 1 p.m., while two days ago the hospital’s reservation system showed that all deadlines were full.
If you needed to take the test today without a reservation, you could try to come to the General University Hospital in the morning. But he had more than an hour to wait in line at the Na Bojišti test site. After 10:00, about 40 people who did not have a reservation were waiting for the test. There were foreigners among them.
First of all, on the Monday after the Christmas holidays, it is now possible to report for a preventive test at, among others, the Thomayer University Hospital (FTN) and Bulovka. According to the hospital’s reservation systems, free dates are also available on other days of the last week of this year. It is not until Monday, December 27, that there are also vacancies at some sampling points, which are setting up private laboratories in Prague. This applies, for example, to the AeskuLab collection point in Letňany and Barrandov and to the collection point in Kartouzská Street in Prague 5, where the EUC offers the service. There is more interest in the EUC collection point in the area of Veleslavín Castle. It is possible to announce there on Tuesday at the earliest.
There are still free dates in Motol on Sunday, December 26, when the paramedics of the largest Czech hospital will take samples from those interested from 7:00 to 17:00. At the same time, the collection point will be open from 27 to 30 December. On New Year’s Eve, it will be possible to come to the test by 12:00. The dates for passing the test after the second Christmas holiday were rather unoccupied by 13:00 today, according to the hospital’s reservation system.
People with completed covid-19 vaccinations can now undergo two PCRs for free. The insurance company pays five PCR tests a month to people under the age of 18, people with one vaccine and people with a contraindication to vaccination.
In the past week, there were 6515 more cases of covid-19 in Prague, which is about a fifth less than in the previous week. This follows from data on the website of the Ministry of Health.
Transport of patients with covid from Brno to Motol in Prague. (November 25, 2021)
Author: – Václav Burian