at the Caen University Hospital, the Covid unit spends an energized New Year’s Eve
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The caregivers are preparing to spend the end of the year on the bridge. At the hospital, those who may be asked to cancel their vacations in the face of the influx of Coronavirus patients. This is the case within the unit Covid of Caen University Hospital.
Some garlands remind you that it is Christmas, but this year again, the Covid-19 offers no truce in the hospital. Jean-Luc Adélaïde, 70, is in the unit Covid for ten days. VFriday, December 24, he spent Christmas alone in the hospital. “My children, my grandchildren, my family are missing, but hey, we’re going to stay in the hospital, there are priorities”, he regrets. This patient presented with comorbidities, but was vaccinated. He made a severe form of Covid-19, which surprised him.
On Friday, 13 patients are in the ward Covid, 12 in intensive care. Two thirds are not vaccinated, the others have too weak immunity. For Christmas, it was necessary to strengthen the teams, the caregivers voluntarily returned to their day off. The service Covid facing, but expects to see massive numbers of cases surge in January. Another concern emerges with Omicron: that the caregivers find themselves positive or contact cases, and that this disorganizes the service at the start of the school year.