The Prague policewoman is the second in the world in sports cynology. I live by that, he says
It took place the first week in November in Spain. And Barbora Karbusická and her Dula missed the title of world champion only by one step, she finished in second place.
The eight-year-old female is not a police dog, but Barbora trained her as well as her service dog. Both are German Shepherds and have them from puppies. They both do basically the same thing – they track people and objects very well.
“A service dog must be aggressive towards people in certain cases, this is not desirable with sports cynology. In addition, not only the result is evaluated, but also the accuracy of the design, ie that the dog with the snout goes down and exactly in the odor trail, “describes Karbusická.
The hobby became a job
Dog training at the competition is evaluated in all respects in three categories – track, obedience and defense. The key to excellent results is a talented dog, quality training, a skilled handler and, according to Barbora, a piece of luck. Barbora devotes her time to dog training.
“I tried to train dogs from my early childhood, at the age of fourteen I started attending a dog training. I enjoyed it so much that the hobby became a job. I became a dog handler after a year of service with the police, next year it will be eight years, “describes Karbusická.
Talented dogs are already recognizable as puppies. “In addition to a good pedigree, they must look for contact with people, love the game and love the food. That’s because the dog works for rewards, so in order to enjoy it, I have to want treats, “explains the cynologist.
Barbora is now on maternity leave with her five-month-old son. Due to the fact that German shepherds live to be about ten years old, they have to look for a new partner.
“I have to think ahead and look for a new puppy now, because it takes two or three years before he trains to serve with him. So in the meantime, I will train him at maternity leave so that I can then go straight to work with him, “he plans. It will be a German Shepherd again.
Dogs are an integral part of her whole family. Her partner works with dogs and her brother and his girlfriend are also police dog handlers.
“The handler doesn’t have much time off,” laughs Barbora. “You always have a dog with you, you have to train constantly and you always have to think ahead, about another new partner,” concludes the cynologist.