San Marino. Information and Statistics Office: “Surprised by the declarations of the Young Christian Democrats”
We received a surprise at the statements of the Assembly of Young Christian Democrats and criticism of the statistical services of the state and the ISS.
Public facilities are primarily available to citizens and users in general, anyone who comes to our offices is followed with care and professionalism. Numerous scholars work our collaboration in the drafting of degree or note in their thanks for our contribution. The declarations of collaboration and the appreciations on professionalism and professionalism are amazed, neither personally, nor by telephone, nor by letter and by e-mail.
The most interesting demographic and economic data are published monthly on the office website. On our website ( periodic publications are also available on specific topics such as: work, trade, road accidents and the annual Statistical Economic Report. For further information on particular issues, the Office staff is always available.
In collaboration with the International Monetary Fund, our data is workably published in the General Data Dissemination System at this link:;
moreover, San Marino participates in the e-GDDS data collection and publication system at this link:
As can be seen, our country, like all large nations, publishes the data available to any international investors on the same channels and with the same methodologies and classifications.
This office is always available to users and the Young Christian Democrats that we can offer for a visit during which we will illustrate our activity and the data we produce and those that we can possibly provide on request.