Decree n.208 tightens the links of contagion containment sufficiently for some political forces, not enough for others
“We have always taken people’s health into consideration first of all, – he explains Gian Carlo Venturini – but compatibly with the protection of the needs of economic categories. They were punched in some parts of iron without using the fist. The numbers to date for the party do not justify, for example the curfew. No change of position in this circumstance: the text of the decree – says the secretary Pdc – is actually the result of a choral work. A good compromise of mediation with respect to the observations made by all the majority forces “.
Paolo Rondelli, Network, on the other hand, it is for greater rigor in terms of prevention, it being understood that in recent months – he remembers – we have always tried to dare a more liberal approach to the issue by guaranteeing economic activities. Now – he adds – we need greater responsibility on the part of everyone to avoid even more drastic measures. On a personal basis – they conclude – I think this was an opportunity to tighten a little more “.
No comments from the Parent Company of TOMORROW Motus Liberi, Mirko Dolcini on the contrasts in the majority in the definition of the measures contained in the decree. “Some of our intentions – he merely acknowledges – have been kings, unfortunately others have not yet been accepted”. However, he believes it is positive that economic activities are essentially able to work; equally positive for Dolcini is the method of comparison.
“We hope that this liberal approach to emergencies can continue – says the group leader Npr, Gian Nicola Berti – trying to avoid as much as possible the measures that impact on people’s freedom, aware that we are approaching a critical threshold, we would therefore like to avoid drastic interventions such as the lockdown, but this is linked to the behavior of each of us “.
“There was a confrontation in the majority that saw positions more aligned with respect to the previous issues of decrees – he finds Denise Bronzetti for the Mixed majority group. It remains, and is also our concern, – he adds – the protection of the only hospital in the area. So it goes without saying that what we will perhaps still be called upon to discuss will be how to better manage the health emergency, – observes Bronzetti – for example the management of quarantines and a more punctual functioning of basic medicine to prevent positivity from translating into hospitalizations “.
“Now unfortunately the most stringent measures are necessary”, he highlights Rossano Fabbri, Mixed Rescue Group, pointing the finger at past choices, “because San Marino – he says – cannot be used by Italians to circumvent their regulations”. On the decree, – he continues – “the application of the new rules is perplexed today for tomorrow, to the detriment of the restorers. And on the clashes in the majority he points out that the difficulties are to be referred to the Network / DC relationship, as other groups – he underlines – had already revealed some distinctions previously without consequences “.
From the ranks of the opposition, Andrea Zafferani, Future Republic It is believed that “the considerable differences of views within the majority have led to the birth of a Decree with few new measures compared to the previous one, and probably that new measures are not very effective to contain infections but could create important problems, just at Christmas, to various economic activities such as restaurants. Finally, it is necessary to reflect by a serious political majority on the ability to give appropriate and effective responses to this phase of pandemic resurgence ”.
A decree for Free”absolutely not responding to the dramatic situation with respect to scientific technical bodies, the ISS and the Secretary of Health who asked for measures of wide responsibility from responsibilities and citizenship “. According to the opposition, therefore” political pressures, purely political choices, prevailed. on responsibility and the health emergency “.” We believe that at the moment we do not play with people’s health – they underline – for mere electoral speculation. The Secretary of Health has been disavowed and he will have to draw the consequences, but at the moment we are extremely worried about the unfortunate management of the pandemic and for the safety of citizens “.