Piero Siena Award, agreement between the Province and the Maxxi Foundation – Trentino AA / S

Vettorato, “a very significant agreement”

(ANSA) – BOLZANO, 22 DEC – An agreement has been signed between the Department of Italian Culture of the Province of Bolzano and the Maxxi Foundation of Rome for an important part of the newly created “Piero Siena Award” in favor of the local art scene . Siena was a painter, critic and art historian, director of Museion from 1987 to 2001. With his work he managed to sensitize the city of Bolzano and its territory, the border area between northern and southern culture, towards modern and contemporary art, favoring cultural confrontation. “A very significant agreement with the National Museum of 21st Century Arts – underlines the councilor for Italian culture Giuliano Vettorato – a highly prestigious goal that allows the enhancement of local artists in a context of international importance: to enter the collection of the great national museum is the most important prize for a local artist “.

With the agreement between the Province of Bolzano and Maxxi, the Foundation has undertaken to acquire in its collection the work of the winner of the prize, among the artists selected by an important jury. The prize will in fact be awarded to a visual art artist from the area chosen by a jury of museum experts and curators composed of Paola Tognon, curator of the Prize, Bart van der Heide, director of Museion Bolzano, and Bartolomeo Pietromarchi, Director of Maxxi Arte. . The candidates are chosen from among the artists who in the last 30 years have been supported by the Italian Culture Department of the Province of Bolzano.

The evaluation operations are in progress and recognition is also envisaged for the second and third classified.

In the spring of 2022 an exhibition event in Bolzano and one in Rome will host the winning works. (HANDLE).