FR IMAGES.  Toulouse: this start-up unveils new visuals for its hybrid flying taxi

FR IMAGES. Toulouse: this start-up unveils new visuals for its hybrid flying taxi

Based in Toulouse, Ascendance Flight Technologies unveiled several visuals of its project called “ATEA”, Wednesday December 1, 2021. (© Ascendance Flight Technologies)

It is an ambitious project which aims to prepare the air mobility of tomorrow. Since its creation in 2018, Climbing flight technologies board to find means to decarbonize aviation. One of these solutions could well be A TEA, son hybrid flying taxi.

Wednesday 1uh December 2021, Ascendance Flight Technologies unveiled the innovations and design of this futuristic aircraft.

A hybrid aircraft

Concretely, for what purpose will ATEA be used? “It is designed to operate in peri-urban and regional areas thanks to a range of 400 km, carbon emissions reduced by 80% and noise pollution divided by four”, indicates the Toulouse start-up which hopes, in the long term, to produce an airplane without a source of thermal energy.

“ATEA’s new configuration incorporates an Ascendance-labeled hybrid system, STERNA, which is based on an electric motor powered by the association of two energy sources: one thermal and one electric (battery). replace the thermal source with new clean energy sources, such as hydrogen or biofuels “.

Climbing flight technologies
ATEA has a capacity of five occupants.
ATEA has a capacity of five occupants. (© Ascendance Flight Technologies)

A technological showcase

Chosen quite rare for an aircraft, this aircraft of five seater cleavage and lands vertically. A special take-off which is allowed by the eight rotors “Distributed in two fixed wings in tandem, according to the principle of wing fan“, Explains Ascendance.

“Patented by Ascendance, the ducted rotor technological solution provides increased power during take-off and landing and reduces noise emissions”.

Climbing flight technologies

It is all of these rotors that guarantee the maneuverability of the device in the event of a breakdown, adds the start-up.

ATEA is equipped with eight rotors.
ATEA is equipped with eight rotors. (© Ascendance Flight Technologies)

Start of production in 2025?

But before seeing this device in real life, we will have to wait a little longer … A prototype, about to be designed, will enter the test phase from 2023.

The start of ATEA production is expected in 2025.
The start of ATEA production is expected in 2025. (© Ascendance Flight Technologies)

The following year, ATEA will be presented to Paris Olympics as part of a partnership with ADP (formerly Paris Airports). The certification and production start of this flying taxi are expected by 2025.

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