Norgesakutelle Jordan Peterson – Norway’s comeback after the pill addiction
The controversial researcher and psychology professor will come to Norway on a book tour on June 6, 2022, it appears in a press release from A comic soul.
Peterson was in Norway in 2018 during the world tour with the book «12 Rules of Life: An Antidote to Chaos».
– This will be the conversation of all time on stage in Oslo Spektrum! This is also the only chance to see the academy’s biggest star in Norway this year. Jordan B. Peterson has a large fan base in this country, so then it is very nice to be able to get him to Oslo Spektrum this summer, says Hilde Drange in A Comic Soul to Dagbladet.
Sister gang Jordan Peterson was in Norway, he sold out in record time.
– We know there are many who missed him last time, so both new and old fans really have something to look forward to, writes Henrique Lourenço, arranged at A comic soul, in the press release.
In March 2021, Peterson published the book “Beyond Order – 12 More Rules for Life”. The book is a sequel to “12 Rules of Life: An Antidote to Chaos”.
– Sexual harassment is overreported
During his previous visit to Norway, Peterson caused a stir for several of his statements. Among other things, he believed that sexual harassment in working life is greatly overreported.
– Everyone has unpleasant experiences with other people. It’s a part of life. Discussions and conflicts at work are necessary, said the psychology professor during his lecture at the Oslo Concert Hall.
The challenge with the metoo campaign is that the offer’s statements are taken as truth and it is assumed that the woman has pure intentions, Peterson claimed.
– I leave here quite provoked. He does not respect diversity during the metoo campaign. The campaign just shows that very many women have had unpleasant experiences that do not fall under abuse or are something they can report. He made fun of women who tell about this, a female spectator told Dagbladet.
Parliamentary representative and former Minister of Justice Per-Willy Amundsen (FrP), on the other hand, was very pleased with the lecture.
– Broadly speaking, Peterson’s message is that one must not forget what has made Western civilization great, which has made us successful. It is political forces today, represented by the left, that are attacking this foundation, the machinery, in Western civilization, he told Dagbladet.
“The Headhunters” becomes a TV series
Millions of views
The controversial professor has made many headlines since he first became known in 2016, with the Youtube series “Professor against political correctness”. Among other things, he criticized Canadian law and said he refused to prosecute transgender students with the gender they identify with.
The videos quickly gave him celebrity status, and per day he has close to 80 million views on YouTube.
Peterson topped several bestseller lists with the self-help book “12 Rules For Life: An Antidote to Chaos.”
Coming to Norway: – Large
Rough time
Peterson comes to Norway after a tough period in life. At the beginning of the year, he told about his pill addiction and detoxification in Russia.
“I do not remember anything from December 2019 to February 2020,” Peterson told the British Sunday Times.
Peterson explains that he did not get the help he needed in Canada. Therefore, he chose a controversial treatment in Moscow.
“I was hospitalized for more than a week so that the doctors could clean my entire system of drugs,” he explained.
The controversial professor believes that the pill addiction comes as a result of enormous pressure over the past three years, and blames journalists, among other things.
– I was the epicenter of huge controversies. There were journalists around me all the time and students demonstrating against me. It is very tough to be attacked in public that way, he said.
Stands out as an abuser
Word war
In connection with his previous world tour, he was a guest on “Skavlan”.
– To be able to become an engineer, you have to be more concerned with things than people. If you want to become a nurse, then you have to be more concerned with people than things. This leads to differences in the choice of professions, especially in Norway. Engineering is a male-dominated profession, while nursing is a female-dominated profession. That’s because of biological differences, Peterson said.
He believes that these biological differences are not negative.
– One of the things you want to ask yourself is: What is the purpose of setting up society so that there is maximum equality of opportunity? And one of the answers is that one maximizes free choice. Doing so also maximizes diversity in people’s choices. You can not have both, he continued.
During the program, he ended up in a war of words with Annie Lööf, leader of the Swedish Center Party. She reacted strongly to Peterson’s statements that biology is the primary difference between men and women.
– I rather believe how we raise children, how we live, education, culture and attitudes of former people – whether it is a boy or a girl who grows up. And if I raise my daughter to be a leader, be confident and have a higher education, then I think she will have a good platform to become a civil engineer, a top manager for a company or to become a nurse, she replied.
12 things you can do instead of seeing Jordan Peterson in Oslo Concert Hall
In June 2022, you can experience him in Oslo Spektrum in connection with his new world tour.
Lourenço in A Comic soul further writes in the press release that Peterson has built up a good and solid CV.
– Peterson has a very solid and recognized CV, and has also been an adviser to the UN Secretary-General. He has a degree in political science from the University of Alberta, a degree in psychology from the University of Alberta, a doctorate in psychology from McGill University, writes Lourenço, and continues:
– Together with students and colleagues from Harvard and the University of Toronto, he has published hundreds of scientific articles. He is a well-known speaker who fills arenas around the world, and lectures extensively for lawyers, private companies and doctors. This in addition to the fact that he himself has practiced as a psychologist and helped countless people cope with depression, anxiety and schizophrenia.