Matvienko considered it unacceptable to impose LGBT language on Russia: Politics: Russia:

Matvienko considered it unacceptable to impose LGBT language on Russia: Politics: Russia:

Russia considers it unacceptable to impose LGBT issues and other alien values ​​on it. About this, as reported by Interfax, said Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matvienko during her visit to Bahrain.

“He is trying to impose on us values ​​that are alien to us. And not only to us, but in the whole world. This is the right of sexual minorities and the fact that 85 genders have already been counted in Europe. This is unacceptable for us. “We are unacceptable to impose on a country without taking into account its history, faith, religion, its national peculiarities who are contrived, something invented, the promotion of unacceptable, as they say, values”, – Matvienko.

At a meeting with the head of the Chamber of Deputies of the Bahraini National Assembly, Fauzia Abdallah Zeynal Matvienko, she noted that Moscow will always take a clearly national-oriented position. At the same time, according to her, Russia “firmly adheres to its national values, traditional state policy.”

Later, the head of the Federation Council continued the topic already at a meeting with the chairman of the Advisory Council of Bahrain, Ali Ben Saleh Al-Saleh. She noted that what is happening in a number of countries “reaches the point of absurdity.” In particular, this is a situation when, when forming a government, quotas are set for representatives of the LGBT community.

“Or a decision is made, say, on the New York Stock Exchange: those who will be listed, on the boards of these enterprises should be a representative of the LGBT community. This is already an imposition at the state level, and even interference in private business. An absolutely unacceptable ideology for us, ”concluded Matvienko.

Earlier, Matvienko called the words about a possible Russian attack on Ukraine a lie. In her opinion, there are no grounds for such allegations. At the same time, the politician called such a statement “dirty politics” and “hysteria for their own purposes.”



