Elections – Berlin – Berlin Left discusses the coalition agreement – politics
Berlin (dpa / bb) – The Berlin Left discussed the results of the coalition negotiations at an extraordinary state party conference on Saturday (10 a.m.). The SPD, the Greens and the Left, who have governed together in Berlin since 2016, presented the coalition agreement on Monday. It should be the basis for five more years of joint government.
At the special party conference, which is planned in digital form against the background of the corona pandemic, the left state chairwoman Katina Schubert speaks to the delegates. After the reports from the individual specialist groups at the coalition negotiations, three hours of discussion on the coalition agreement are planned.
47 delegates had requested the special party conference. According to the statutes of the party, such an extraordinary meeting must be held if a quarter of the 174 delegates so request. However, the party congress does not decide whether to accept or reject the coalition agreement. For this purpose, a membership decision started on Friday. It should be completed on December 17th.
The SPD and the Greens want to decide on the coalition agreement at party congresses on December 5th and 12th. If all three parties agree, the new red-green-red Senate could start work before Christmas.
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