50 percent of the possible third vaccinations in Salzburg have been made, child vaccination campaign in the House of Nature

50 percent of the possible third vaccinations in Salzburg have been made, child vaccination campaign in the House of Nature

With this value, Salzburg is at the top in Austria. Around 70 percent of those over 60 have been vaccinated for the third time. This apparently also has an effect on the number of infections.

The number of infections in Salzburg continued to decline significantly on Friday. The seven-day incidence fell from 1,070 to 933. Around 149,000 Salzburg residents have so far got the third sting, that is 50.7 percent of those vaccinated whose second vaccination was more than four months ago. “In Austria that is currently also the top value,” says Filipp. The national average here is 44.7 percent. 70 percent of the over 60 year olds have been vaccinated for the third time, and the over 80 year olds even 79 percent.

No major progress can be seen this week with the first vaccinations. After a total vaccination rate of 62.8 percent last week, this value only climbed to 63.7 percent by Friday. Salzburg lags behind the Austria-wide average of 67.2 percent.

The state government is therefore not only trying to make progress faster than before with an vaccination lottery through Salzburg AG, but also with numerous other vaccination campaigns. The President of the Catholic Action (KA), Elisabeth Mayer, announced on Friday that the chapter house of the Archdiocese of Salzburg would now also be open without registration on December 8 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Kapitelplatz 6). At the same time, you can also get vaccinated in Schloss Anif and Schloss Glanegg. This is also possible at the weekend in the Haus der Natur (Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.) and in the Hotel Alpenland in St. Johann (8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Kappacherstraße 7) without prior registration. As the state of Salzburg reported on Saturday, around 500 children took part in the vaccination campaign in the House of Nature. Her parents were also given the opportunity to be vaccinated.



