Use of bodycams by police in voting today
The use of video surveillance systems by molds and security services is already a reality in several countries. Portugal is preparing to follow the same path and the use of bodycams by police officers today in voting.
The final vote takes place after the final text was approved on Wednesday at the Committee on Constitutional Affairs, Rights, Freedoms and Guarantees by the PS, PSD, CDS-PP and Chega.
Cameras must be placed "visibly" without the uniform of authorities
According to information from the Government itself, the "body cameras" will be linked to a platform, in which everything will be "controlled by the hour, minute and second". The use of the surveillance system should only happen when an agent sees any sign. "It's not a camera that's always recording. It's not for walking down the street with it turned on. There has to be a signal from the agent that it's going to start recording."
In today's vote, the visualization and treatment by the data security framework by an analytical management system, capture of biometric data, the use of City Councils in 'drones' by the police force of Chambers in 'drones' is out of the text of the proposed law presented by the Government. and in maritime and river surveillance.
According to the document, the use of 'bodycams', one of the basic elements of the PSP and GNR elements, depends on authorization from the member of the Government responsible for the security force".
The proposal indicates that the 'bodycams' must be placed in a non-uniform "visible way" and the capture and recording of images and sound can only "occur in the event of intervention by an element of the security forces, namely when the occurrence of criminal offense, dangerous situation, emergency or change of public order, and the beginning of the recording must be preceded by a noticeable warning, whenever the nature of the service and public displacements”.
The capture and recording of images is mandatory when public force is used on any citizen or the use of any coercive means, especially firearms, being prohibited "the permanent or indiscriminate recording of facts that have not provided", according to the proposal.
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