MSZP: the MNB serves the interests of Hungary, not the wealth of friends of the Matolcsy family!

MSZP: the MNB serves the interests of Hungary, not the wealth of friends of the Matolcsy family!

According to the MSZP, György Matolcsy will continue its public money relief operations, as in addition to the HUF 54 billion renovation of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank, the group of companies that previously financed the MNB’s cousin through one of its companies and its current owner – a member of the central bank’s son’s small circle of friends.

The opposition party believes it has done everything since György Matolcsy’s appointment to “scatter the MNB’s money among the Fidesz buddies, the central bank’s foundations, luxury travel and purchases of real estate and artefacts are used for this purpose,” adding and certain huge sums of investment have opened up in some pockets in anticipation of billions in public money. “

The MSZP calls on the Governor of the MNB to end irresponsible and corrupt money laundering. It is written that the task of György Matolcsy is not to “act as a family payout point for the MNB, but to deal with record high inflation and public debt, as well as the deep-running forint exchange rate, as chairman of the central bank”.

(Featured image: Budapest, July 6, 2021. György Matolcsy, Governor of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB) holds a press conference. MTI / Szilárd Koszticsák)



