Cciaa Pisa, job demand slows in November, + 2% on 2019 – Planet Chambers (of commerce)

(ANSA) – PISA, NOVEMBER 17 – Trend with positive sign for the demand for work of Pisan companies with employees in the industrial and service sectors also for the month of November.

The data, however, is lower than the attestations and above all well below the regional and national data. To say this are the data of the Excelsior Information System, a survey carried out by Unioncamere in collaboration with Anpal and processed by the Pisa Chamber of Commerce. In fact, 2,630 revenues are expected from Pisan companies with employees: an increase of 800 units compared to the same month of 2020 (+ 44%), but the comparison is with the month of November 2019, the pre-pandemic period, which records an increase in the increase. by just 2%.

The comparison with the regional and national data is obvious: in Tuscany, in fact, the forecast for November 2021 corresponds to a + 32% compared to the same month of 2019 and, at national level, the increase compared to 2019 is + 33 %.

According to the extraordinary commissioner of the Chamber of Commerce of Pisa, Valter Tamburini “even in the presence of a tendency to increase in the demand for work expressed by companies, we cannot detect a slowdown in November which places Pisa, well below the regional figure and national. To lose ground, and to make the difference compared to other territories, are two important sectors of the provincial economic system such as tourism and trade, the results of which will be monitored in the coming months., the gap between demand and offer of work “.

In 73% of cases, the demand for work is driven by fixed-term contracts (fixed-term or other contracts with a defined duration) while for the remaining 27% the income will be of a stable type, i.e. with a permanent contract or an apprenticeship. . Hiring will be concentrated for 54% in the service sector and 70% in companies with less than 50 employees.

26% of the contracts will be offered to staff under 30 and 70% of the income continues to require specific professional experience or in the same sector. Even in November, the difficulty for companies in finding staff with the profiles they are looking for remains high: 38% of expected revenues, the same figure as in November two years ago. Demand is growing in manufacturing and construction, and services are holding back. At a sectoral level, the demand for workers recorded in the province of Pisa in November 2021 comes above all from the industry sector, with 280 units up compared to November 2019 equal to + 30%. (HANDLE).