Corona numbers and rules in Cologne currently: 2 dead! The situation on November 14th, 2021
Daily updated corona numbers and rules for Cologne: Here you can find the latest RKI data on the coronavirus from 7-day incidence to new infections and your region for today, November 14th, 2021.
The corona numbers for Cologne are currently 7-day incidence, new infections, facilities
fur Cologne in North Rhine-Westphalia compared to the previous day on Sunday, November 14th, 2021 03:18 a.m., via the Robert Koch Institute 491 new infections and 2 new studies reported in connection with the corona virus.
In the last 7 days, 2,386 cases were registered in Cologne 7 day incidence is currently 220.2 per 100,000 inhabitants.
This increases the total number of people who tested positive for Corona to 72,775, a total of 785 people died here from or with Corona.
Corona incidence by age group: Highest incidence between the ages of 5 and 14 in Cologne
In terms of the weekly incidence in Cologne, the group of children between 5 and 14 years of age has the highest incidence with a value of 561; the number of deaths per week is currently 528 new infections. The weekly incidence is currently lowest in the group of people over 80 years of age.
Overall, the weekly incidence in Cologne is currently 213. For the period of 7 days, a total of 2312 new infections were counted last, 743 of the cases are in the group of adults aged 35 to 59 according to age groups in your district, see the following table :
Change | Incidence | Case numbers |
0-4 | 227 | 124 |
5-14 | 561 | 528 |
15-34 | 230 | 700 |
35-59 | 193 | 743 |
60-79 | 88 | 168 |
80+ | 84 | 49 |
Intensive bed utilization for Cologne
Out of a total of 400 intensive care beds in Cologne are according to the current data status (13.11.2021 12:15 p.m.) 379 beds occupied and 21 beds available. 12.4% of the occupied intensive care beds are occupied by COVID patients. The location currently records 47 COVID patientswho are receiving intensive care, of which are currently 24 cases ventilated.
The corona situation in North Rhine-Westphalia (as of November 14, 2021 03:18 a.m.)
The is in North Rhine-Westphalia 7 day incidence today at 162.6 per 100,000 inhabitants. Compared to the previous day there is 4,166 new infections and 5 new studies.
56,300 people are currently infected in North Rhine-Westphalia. With 1,500 people, the total number of people recovered rose to 992,100 people who have already recovered from the virus disease.
An overview of the infection process in Germany
The total number of new infections with the corona virus in Germany transmitted by the Robert Koch Institute 33,498 cases (Status: 11/14/2021 3:18 a.m.). With 55 newly registered universities in connection with the corona virus, the number of deceased in Germany increased a total of 97,672. die 7 day incidence is currently per 100,000 inhabitants nationwide 289.
Cologne: These are the current corona rules
In Cologne is currently Risk of infection level 5. Basically: distance + hygiene + mask in everyday life + corona warning app + ventilation. Vaccinated and convalescent persons: No compulsory test + no contact restrictions If a mask is required: Obligation to wear a surgical mask or mask of higher standards (e.g. FFP2). These corona rules and regulations apply to your district:
On the subject Vaccinate gold aktuell: You can get more information about vaccinations against the corona virus via the nationwide hotline 116117.
For die Contact terms: In public areas, it is compulsory to wear a mask in certain places and in certain situations at work. Hygiene concept required; Mask requirement in certain situations; Avoidance of unnecessary contacts; Obligatory test after absence of at least five continuous working days – further information Corona occupational health and safety ordinance.
In the Schools and daycare centers: Face-to-face teaching; Mask requirement in buildings, not applicable on site; Compulsory test, exceptions for tests possible; Regular operation in daycare centers – Further information Information from the Ministry of Education.
fur Hospitals and nursing homes gold-plated: hospitals: visits subject to conditions; Mask requirement and test requirement for visitors Care institutions: Visits subject to conditions; mask compulsory in some cases, not applicable for vaccinated and convalescent persons; Test obligation for visitors; no entry for people with Covid-19 symptoms.
Private celebrations receive the following regulation: Subject to conditions; Celebrating privately with dance: compulsory test.
public events subject to these provisions: subject to conditions, compulsory mask inside, compulsory test inside; Sports events subject to conditions, mask compulsory inside, partly mask compulsory outside, partly compulsory test; religious events subject to conditions, partly mask requirement, congregational singing subject to conditions; Major events subject to conditions, mask requirement inside, partly mask requirement outside, test requirement; between 11.11.2021, 8 a.m. and 14.11.2021, 8 a.m. Access to indoor and outdoor carnival events only for vaccinated and convalescent people.
fur Gatherings gold-plated: subject to conditions; partial mask requirement; partly compulsory test.
In Restaurants gold-plated: opened under conditions; Mask requirement inside, not applicable on site; Compulsory test inside; between 11.11.2021, 8 a.m. and 14.11.2021, 8 a.m. partial access only for vaccinated and convalescent people.
fur businesses The following rules apply: retail trade open subject to conditions; Mask requirement, exceptions possible.
On the subject travel Please note: Avoidance of unnecessary travel to high-risk and virus variant areas is strongly recommended; Before entering from abroad: compulsory test from 12 years of age, before entering from a virus variant area also for vaccinated and convalescent people; after staying in a high-risk and virus variant area: digital entry registration and quarantine required, exceptions possible. – Further information Travel advice from the Federal Foreign Office Digital entry registration (DEA) Safe Travel – App from the Federal Foreign Office.
Applicable provisions in the area Culture: Cultural institutions open subject to conditions; Mask compulsory inside; partly compulsory test.
The gold-plated in sport and freetime: Leisure facilities open subject to conditions, mask compulsory indoors, partly test compulsory; Swimming pools open subject to conditions, partly mask compulsory, partly compulsory test; Sports facilities open subject to conditions, mask compulsory inside, partly compulsory test; Clubs and discos open subject to conditions, compulsory testing.
Body-hugging services requires the following regulations: Body-hugging services allowed; Mask requirement; Test obligation, exceptions for medically necessary services.
Fines currently: if the mask requirement is disregarded: 50 – 150 euros.
The current state ordinance of North Rhine-Westphalia applies from October 1st, 2021 to November 24th, 2021. You can find more information here.
Sources are the state governments or the limited authorities at the district level or in the city districts. If you have any questions about the ordinances or the dispositions, please refer to the website of your respective district or city administration or contact the relevant citizen contacts.
Coronavirus vaccination in Germany – Vaccinated persons and vaccination quota according to RKI
The vaccination rate for fully vaccinated people is currently in Germany 67.4% of the total population, that corresponds 56,080,963 people. According to current data, 57,271 first vaccinations and 69,581 second vaccinations were carried out in Germany on 11.11.21, increasing the number of people who have been vaccinated so far at least one vaccination have received on 58,167,264, this corresponds to 70% of the total population. All in all, up to the present point in time, throughout Germany 114,470,642 vaccination doses carried out (total of first and second vaccination doses used).
Total number of people who have already been vaccinated (at least once) with the respective vaccine:
- Modern: 4,493,306
- Biontech: 41,082,607
- Astrazeneca: 9,248,321
- Janssen: 3,343,030
Number of people who have had their second vaccination of the respective vaccine or who have already achieved complete vaccination protection through a vaccination (Janssen):
- Modern: 5,240,489
- Biontech: 44.034.872
- Astrazeneca: 3,462,572
Compared to the previous day 252,320 booster vaccinations performed. overall have meanwhile 3,565,445 people receive a booster vaccination in Germany. The distribution to the individual vaccines is as follows:
- Biontech: 3.430.921
- Modern: 133,262
- Janssen: 1,067
The most important Covid-19 numbers for Cologne today at a glance:
Cologne | |
7 day incidence | 220.2 |
New infections | 491 |
New services | 2 |
Overall performance | 785 |
Total intensive care beds | 400 |
Free intensive care beds | 21 |
Occupied intensive care beds | 379 |
Ventilated COVID patients | 24 |
Tested positive overall | 72,775 |
Read the latest Corona news on the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. You will also find out in which counties die here Incidence currently highest is.
Our service for you: The corona numbers on this page are updated twice a day. Feel free to save this article as a bookmark in your browser so that you can find the latest RKI data for your region around the Coronavirus to pursue.
+++ The number of currently infected, as well as the number of new and total recoveries per federal state is based on estimates that contain estimates rounded to 100, since the RKI does not report the recovery of every infected person beforehand. +++
+++ Editorial note: This text was based on data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) (time of the last RKI data update: 14.11.2021 03:18 a.m.) and the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive and Emergency Medicine (DIVI) (data status : 11/13/2021 12:15 p.m.). Data on vaccination are also based on data from the RKI (data status: November 12, 2021 08:09). Data for determining the weekly incidence in the different age groups come from calculations from RKI and DESTATIS data via +++
+++Note on the corona rules: The source for the specified warning level is the data published by the Robert Koch Institute in the RKI dashboard. This applies to the corona index and corona case numbers specified in the map view of the warning app NINA. The dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH Mittelweg 38, 20148 Hamburg provides the fixed regulations reproduced here on behalf of the BBK as soon as these have been officially announced in the form valid under the respective state law. The information given here is for guidance only. The limited regulations are legally binding. As these were determined by dpa or transmitted to dpa, they are linked in the text. Despite careful research, guarantee and liability can be assumed for the correctness, completeness and topicality of the summary. If you have any questions, please contact your local health administration. YOU can find this at by entering your place name or your postcode.+++
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