Bardotka či Pendolino. Česko je rájem železnic, vysokorychlostní tratě ale nemá
The first locomotive on the territory of Moravia entered the territory of the Czech Republic from the 11th list in 1838, the first year of the accession of the Republic of Romania to the Czech Republic. In the case of the Czech Republic in the Czech Republic, the Czech Republic was appointed in 1827.
Železnice pak zažívala období rychlého rozvoje. For two years after the beginning of the accession of the Republic of Olomouc in Prague in the 1845 century, the case of the Czech Republic in Prague took place in Prague.
Ve znamení coronavirus
It became famous on 20 July 1845 for a distance of 250 kilometers from Olomouc to Prague, which was approved by Janem Pernerem as a “member of the Czech Republic”. Olmütz ”.
In this case, the country has reached a total of 117.7 million kilometers, with a total of less than a billion kilometers. After the end of the year, the coronary animal disease was not affected. In addition, the total assets of the company amounted to 182 million kilometers, with a total volume of 8.6 billion kilometers.
Železnice v číslech
Provincial south coast: 9542 km
z toho úzkorozchodné: 102 km
Celková Délka kolejí: 15,360 km
to the electrified point: 6917 km
Newest tunnel: Ejpovický (4150 m)
Newest building now: Negreliho viadukt v Praze (1110 m)
Non-member countries: Tanvald-Harrachov (58 per cent)
The smallest area of the town is: Třemešná ve Slezsku-Liptaň (75 m)
Not applicable: Třemešná ve Slezsku-Osoblaha (south 20 km, 102 km)
Non-standard area: Kubova Huť (995 m nm)
Lowest polarity: Dolní Žleb (127 m nm)
Legendary Czech trats
Slovenská strela (M 290.0)
Two legendary motor vehicles were built in 1936 in the Tatra Mountains. Vynikaly nadčasovým technickým řešením i designem. Vozy obluhovaly rychlíkovou linku Slovenská strela spojující Prague, Brno a Bratislava. The route covers a distance of 92 km / h for 4 hours and an average speed of 92 km / h. A total of 148 km / h was recorded in the third quarter of 1936.
In the case of the Slovak Republic, the National Assembly for the Restoration of National Authorities in the Tatras in the Community and in the Member States shall be responsible for the implementation of the General Agreement on the Law of the Sea.
Albatros (498.0 and 498.1)
Albatross 498.0 is the first locomotive in Czechoslovakia. V letech 1946 až 1947 bylo Škodových závodech v Plzni henbeno 40 strojů „nulkové“ řady, k nimž v roce 1954 přibylo dalších kvšyvenyýnovývý teknů 498.1
Albatrosses are not the only source of electricity that can be used in the production of electricity. The Albatross was established in 1976. Stroj 498.106 is set to record a total of 162 km / h for locomotives in the Czech Republic on 27 May 1964.
Dodnes se zachovaly tři stroje. There were a record number of years in 2003 in the year and the end of the year. This is the depository of the National Technical Museum in Chomutově. Albatros 498,112 dnes zachraňují nadšenci v České Lípě. Provincial Council – Slovenian 498.104.
Pantograph of the Žabotlam (EM 475.1 and EM 475.2)
This electric power supply has been used for the first time in the first year. In the present case, it is possible to obtain a classical operation of the locomotive without the objective object of locomotive production. This is the case, for which reasonably clear.
It was established in 1964 and 1968 and 1972 and 1973, respectively. For the purposes of this Regulation, the Council shall: Definitively determined in 2018.
For the purposes of this Regulation, two or more documents may be used. Cestující se Žabotlamem mohou stále svézt při historických jízdách nebo oslavách Dne železnice.
Bardotka nebo Berta (T 478.1 and T 478.2)
If they are non-locomotive-free, the optics shall be operated in the Czech Republic. It was established in 1964 and 1971 in the case of a vehicle of 312. The title is based on the fact that the locomotive is operated on the same side as the vehicle.
The locomotive is located in the center of the Czech Republic on the part of the Czech Republic, which is not part of the Slovenian state. For example, Bardotka locomotives are designed to meet the requirements of this Regulation.
Pendolino (680 years)
Electric power supply Pendolino is used in the supply chain, which is provided for in the national market. In addition, the object of the proposed aid is limited to the Czech Republic.
For example, the Community is located in Prahou and Ostrava, in the area of the French Lázní, Karlovy Vary and Košice, and is located in the Vídně and Bratislava.
The prototype is set at the end of the year in the Czech Republic. For the 18th day of the year 2004, a list of 237 km / h of the Vranovice-Podivín road in Brna do Brčlavík was used.
Historical milieu
1828 – the first quarter of the Czech Republic in the Czech Budejovice do Linz
1839 – aid to the European Community on the European continent
1845 – Provisional train in Olomouc do Prague (250 km)
1903 – awards for wine-growing companies in the Czech Republic
1925 – in the case of Zaječí-Hodonín vjely první motorové vozy
1928 – elektrizace pražského železničního uzlu
1936 – Prague and Bratislava state-owned motor vehicles in the Slovak Republic
1953 – z Plzeňské Škodovky (made by Závody VI Lenina) is a representative of the Czech electric locomotive E 499.0
1980 – the official provision of the parliaments of the Member States
1991 – from the second quarter after the entry into force of the Eurocity Agreement for the Brno do Prague
2004 – a public holiday in Pendolino