Phyllostachys ‘Shanghai 3’ Bamboo stems for sale – Debrecen (active) – offers – Debrecen – 7.500 Ft
In addition to the golden stem bamboo, it is one of the most beautiful decorative bamboos.
The 1-year-old stems are green, the older ones develop an interesting black pattern (photo 2) Evergreen foliage, completely winter-resistant up to -25 degrees, fast-growing bamboo.
In the spring, fresh shoots emerging from the ground after cooking are not only edible, but one of the most delicious.
Its stems grow to a maximum height of 10 meters and a diameter of 8 cm. But its height can be easily controlled by the amount of cultivation area and fertilization. If you have less space available and less nutrients to take root you will stay. This can only be done to a limited extent because too little water leads to dehydration.
An effective propagating plant with rhizomes (rootstock) that forms a beautiful bamboo colony in 3-5 years. As it brings its stems densely, it is also suitable for covering and demarcating space. Its spread can be easily limited as it is not rooted deeper than 30 cm. Some strong plate (PVC, polyester, HDPE, aluminum, iron) should be dug into the ground. But you can also get a plastic sheet made for this purpose, although it is much more expensive.
It can also be kept in large pots and tubs on the balcony!
The price is for a globe plant with 1 stem. The stem is at least 150 cm high. Installation is possible all year round, but is most ideal from September to June.
In case of personal collection I can give 3-5 meters! However, I can only mail up to 2 meters by lowering the peak.
Personal collection: It is possible on the Vámospércs-Debrecen-Tiszacsege line.
Or I can post, the postage depends a lot on the package and size. We will arrange this by email or phone.
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Ad ID: 7193188
Updated: Nov 12, 2021 1:53 pm