Genoa invests over 40 million for its cemeteries – Liguria

5-year plan to restore decor and beauty to 35 courts

(ANSA) – GENOA, 11 NOV – The municipal council has decided to start a five-year plan called “Cemeteries of Genoa” with the aim of restoring complete decorum and artistic beauty to the city’s cemeteries. The Plan provides for the complete screening of construction, maintenance, landscaping and artistic heritage within the cemeteries, including private works. The screening of the works will be entrusted to professionals and technicians, including private ones. An investment of between 40 and 50 million euros is expected over five years. In Genoa there are 35 civic cemeteries, of which 6 are “removed”, meaning that they no longer host burials but remain open to the public.

“It is an ambitious plan – explains the deputy mayor and hours to the cemetery services Massimo Nicolò – which provides for an organic program of interventions never started before. The cemeteries contain an extraordinary heritage recognized, as in the case of the monumental cemetery of Staglieno, also in international level and as such should be enhanced to make it more accessible and usable by Genoese and visitors, perhaps also attracting private investments “.

“We have already allocated in the three-year plan dedicated to cemeteries – explains the commissioner for Public Works Pietro Piciocchi – about 6 million euros, but we want to go beyond the logic of fragmented interventions and arrive at a public works program that aims to solve once for all the decoration, of the artistic works, buildings and greenery, of all 35 civic cemeteries, based on a specific screening of needs “. (HANDLE).