No exceptions in Cologne: All bands and artists must be on 11.11. Provide 2G certificates
Cologne –
The outrage in professional football is great because all spectators who want to go to the stadium have to be vaccinated or recovered, but players like Bayern professional Josua Kimmich (and probably numerous others) are allowed to appear unvaccinated. A questionable set of rules enables this special status of the already privileged kickers. And something that the Cologne Carnival cannot or will not afford.
At the opening of the session on 11.11. no special rights for artists, technicians or other personnel. If, for example, 2G rules are required for admission in the exclusion zone at Heumarkt, this also applies to musicians and bands. Ralph Schlegelmilch, President of the organizing Willi-Ostermann-Gesellschaft, says: “Everyone in the backstage is vaccinated or has recovered like the audience in front of the stage.”
For the Cologne countdown of the greats of 1823 that also gilds. Spokesman Manfred Damaschke: “You only have access with 2G – this applies to everyone, whether musicians, technicians, supervisors or bus drivers.” Everything else cannot be communicated. Damaschke knows what he’s talking about. As the 2nd chairman of the FC cheerleaders, he has to experience that the completely vaccinated troops are currently not allowed to appear at home games of the FC. “In zone zero, including the interior, we are not allowed to go straight. Nobody can explain that. “
The fact that the carnival is very precise here is also confirmed by Stefan Loch, managing director of the Lanxess Arena. At his event “Eleventh in the Eleventh – Again and again Cologne songs”, which take place this Saturday, all performers and their crew have been vaccinated or have recovered. The same applies to the arena staff. “You can only get into the hall with 2G. Everyone wants to celebrate carefree. “
The festival committee basically provides this for itself and the societies affiliated with it. Spokeswoman Tanja Holthaus said on request: “All admission restrictions with regard to Covid 19 as binding for the audience.” This event in one way or another participant, so Holthaus.
Where can I go on 11.11. Experience live music?
The session opening on the Heumarkt has been sold out for weeks, but will be broadcast live on TV by WDR. There will be a box office in the Tanzbrunnen at the Kölschen Countdown, as there are around 300 remaining tickets from the returns of the non-vaccinated.
The “Jeckenville Festival” on the “Carlswerk-Victoria” site in Mülheim is also sold out. Tickets are still available for the Lanxess Arena on November 13th, when the best-known Cologne bands will perform at “Eleventh in the Eleventh – Always Again Cologne Songs”.