Gambling addicts complain about weak player protection in Austria
Casinos Austria does not take player protection seriously, complains the “Player Aid” association. Chairman Holubar is demanding millions in court.
A group of gambling addicts complains that player protection is too weak in Austria. Casinos Austria and politicians have little interest in really helping them. One of those affected, Christoph Holubar, reported at a press conference on Wednesday of cases where branch managers had called gambling addicts who had blocked themselves. The casinos deny the allegations and believe they know Holubar’s real motivation.
Holubar, who himself has lost a lot of money in the casino, said that it was important to him and the other members of the “Spielerhilfe” association that other gambling addicts and their relatives die of experiences that they have had themselves. Many people would perish from their gambling addiction and entire families would be robbed of their livelihoods.
Holubar recorded records of three players showing how much money they lost at the casino over the years. On the other hand, he surprised the player logs that Casinos Austria kept and that those concerned requested by means of data protection requests. While the gamblers themselves stated that they had gambled away around 70,000 euros and in one case even over 250,000 euros, the casino records show winnings of 43,800, 65,200 and 423,000 euros, respectively. “The recording of profits and losses is far too imprecise and often wrong,” Holubar said.
Holubar complains that Casinos Austria does not take player protection seriously enough because it would damage business. Gambling addicts are an important source of income, according to Holubar, who fears that due to the austerity measures triggered by the corona crisis, player protection will be further undermined. The government is also dying of a conflict of interest due to the high tax revenues from gambling and involvement in casinos.
Casinos Austria rejects the allegations as false, misleading and distorting. “Mr. Holubar is conducting a legal dispute against Casinos Austria and is demanding an amount worth millions,” said Casinos press spokesman Patrick Minar to the APA. From the company’s point of view, Holubar’s media work serves to improve his legal position in court, to try to discredit Casinos Austria AG (Casag).