Young thinking on heterologous Sputnik-mRNA vaccination: “even two doses?”
As a group of young students, boys and girls from the Republic of San Marino, we feel the need to express our point of view on the situation of the Sputnik vaccinated in the Republic in light of the latest Italian Circular issued by the Ministry of Health. The aforementioned circular, while not directly concerning San Marino citizens, expresses the need for those vaccinated with a vaccine not approved by EMA (such as Sputnik) residing in Italy to receive one or two doses of vaccines among those approved by the EMA. In particular, reference is made to a single dose of vaccine for those vaccinated with Sputnik for less than six months and to the entire vaccination cycle (two administrations) for those vaccinated for more than six months. These indications were provided by AIFA or the Italian Medicines Agency, after consulting with its Technical-Scientific Committee and it is not difficult to think that, in the short term, the same approach could also be applied to San Marino citizens who want to obtain the Green Pass: after all, the Italian Law Decree that granted the derogation for San Marino citizens with respect to the Green Pass until 15/10 (then extended to 31/12) spoke clearly on the matter. We know very well that these decisions are made by competent people and with a solid base of experimental data as confirmation. However, this time, we can only have doubts about the data on the basis of which the decision was made: at the moment there are no situations in Italy in which the complete double vaccination course with heterologous Sputnik-mRNA vaccination has been undertaken and completed. . So what data is relied upon to avoid possible (albeit probably rare) probable? Many of us, exasperated by the situation in which the Government (and in particular the Secretariat for Health and Foreign Affairs) have trapped us, are willing to be given a possible “booster” dose of an approved vaccine with the aim of definitively resolving the question once and for all. But even two doses? Not fully recognizing the effort that San Marino citizens have made to vaccinate themselves with a serum not approved by international bodies and on which very little information was available? We ask the Government and the responsible Secretariats to act immediately. San Marino citizens who are willing to get vaccinated with a further single administration of a vaccine should be given the opportunity to do so right away. And we must ensure that this is the last until a possible new vaccination cycle, which we hope will be necessary as late as possible. It is absolutely not credible that, in a complicated situation like this, the Secretariats do not activate themselves or, as happened with the Circular of October 15, they are reduced to the last days before the deadline.
cs The boys and girls of the Pensiero Giovane group
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